Chapter 25

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I showed Victor our house and finally it's my room.
"And this is my room." I showed my room to Victor.
"Looks beautiful.
A little too pink for my taste though. So tell me… Since when are you and Ian close?" Victor asked me.
"I told you we're just classmates." I answered.
"He drove you home." Victor said.
"Because he lives right next to me." I replied.
"He's your neighbour?" Victor said surprisingly.
"Yep." I replied.
"Interesting." Victor said.
"Not really." I said.
"He's pretty good looking…" Victor said.
"Are you interested in him?" I asked him.
"Sadly, I prefer the other gender. Why did you never say anything about him?" Victor said.
"Because there's nothing to say." I replied.
"Two days ago, you told me about this amazing muffin you had! I think this is a little more important." Victor said.
"I don't think so. It was really delicious! Why do we need to talk about him now? If there's anything, I would've told you." I replied.
"I'm sorry. I just wanna know everything that's going on." Victor said.
"You're the person who knows me the best, V. And that's probably not gonna change anytime soon." I said.
"Okay now I feel good about myself." Victor said.

Later in dinner, me, my mom and Victor.
"I missed you so much, Victor!" Mom said.
"And I almost forgot how much I miss your cooking!" Victor said.
"Cheeky as always.
How's your school going?" Mom said.
"Pretty good…
But it's not the same without Liz there." Victor replied.
"You two were so close. There was no day you weren't together. My grocery list was seriously suffering." Mom said.
"Victor has a big appetite." I replied.
"I wasn't talking about Victor, sweetie. I'm glad you're here with us. I feel more calm knowing Liz is with you." Mom said.
"Hey! I can take care of myself." I said.
"I know I know.
But Victor always protected you since you were small. Don't you feel more safe with him around?" Mon asked me.
"I do…" I replied.
"Your welcome, Liz." Victor said.
Having Victor around put my mind at ease. It was first a bit awkward because of the whole Ian situation. But seeing Victor and talking to him made me realise how much I actually missed him. Like mom said, Victor has always been there to protect me. Maybe that made me fall in love with him…
"Where do you wanna sleep, V?" Mom asked Victor.
"I thought I would sleep in Liz's bed." Victor replied.
"In my bed?" I said shockingly.
"Yeah." Victor said.
"You two always slept in the same bed when you were kids." Mom said.
"But…" I was hesitating. We are all grown up now after all.
"You don't want me to?" Victor asked me.
"No! It's fine… it's just…
I just thought it could be weird maybe. Because we're older and… stuff…" I replied.
"Why? For me it would be weirder if we slept in separate beds." Victor said. I guess I was the only one nervous.
Finally, Victor and I were sleeping in my bed together. We talked a lot in bed. I felt flattered by Victor's words. But I had to remind myself that he didn't feel anything for me. It was hard to love someone, and that person didn't love you back. And having that person sleep right next to you, as if it didn't mean anything.

The Next day, Victor wanted to come to school with me.
"You really wanna do this?" I asked Victor.
"Yes!" Victor replied.
"Are you out of your mind? This is crazy. Why would you wanna come to school with me?" I asked Victor.
"What else am I supposed to do?" Victor said.
"You can literally do anything, and it would still be better than going to school?" I said.
"C'mon." Victor said.
And finally Victor came to school with me. We saw Maeve was fighting with some boys outside of the classroom. And Maeve knocked off those boys through her punch and scared them away.
"Oh, look there's Maeve!" I said to Victor.
"Maeve as in your best friend Maeve?" Victor asked shockingly.
I'm gonna introduce you to her." I replied.
We went near Maeve.
"Maeve!" I said.
"What's up?" Maeve replied.
"This is my childhood friend, Victor. Victor, this is Maeve." I introduced them.
"Hi, nice to meet you." Victor said to Maeve.
"Sup." Maeve replied.
"Are you okay?
Are you hurt anywhere?" Victor asked Maeve.
"Why are you asking me this?" Maeve said.
"Because of your fight…
They looked like they could do some serious damage." Victor said.
"Seriously? I've fought worse." Maeve replied.
"Where did you learn to fight like this?" Victor asked Maeve.
"I don't know. I guess being a very aggressive person helps a lot." Maeve replied.
"Let's go." I said and we went for lessons.
And it was the time for my next lesson now. This was the lesson I had with Ian… And where Ian sat next to me. But Victor was there…
"What's wrong?
C'mon let's sit down?" Victor said.
I hoped Ian didn't mind that Victor was sitting next to me in his seat. Ian came and saw. But he reacted to nothing, just moved to another.
I was happy that Victor and I spent time together. But it also made my time with Ian incredibly short or more like nonexistent. Wherever I go, Victor was there with me, at lunch, class and else. Which keeps Ian away from me.
Victor wanted me to show the bathroom. I showed him the boys bathroom. Victor went inside the bathroom and I was waiting for him outside. That's when I heard a noise near a room. When I went to that room's gate someone grabbed my hand and pulled me inside the room. And closed its doors. I saw it was Ian. It was a dark room, no lights or I say lights were turned off. But we were able to see each other.
"I… I don't understand…" I said to Ian.
"I feel like we have not seen each other all day long. I kinda missed you." Ian said with his deep sensual voice.
My brain at this moment had not the capacity to form reasonable sentences.
"Did you miss me too?" Ian asked me.
"HELL….Yes!" I was desperate too.
His hands were on my waist and his face only inches from mine. Being like this in school made things nerve racking.

- To Be Continued -

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