Chapter 2

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"You are upset with me."
Endolynn did not respond to her brother, choosing instead to focus on the dark curls her fingers were playing with. It soothed her to play with her own curls as they cascaded around her in a chocolate waterfall.

She and Zaiden were seated at the large dining table in the family dining room, waiting for their evening meal to be brought by the servants. The meeting had continued for longer than Endolynn had had energy for. Now, she waited for her food in silence.
When she did not respond, Zaiden slouched back in his chair and sighed.
"I am not sure what you expected from that meeting," his voice indicated how tired he was, "But I thought it went as well as it could."
Endolynn looked at her brother, intentionally suppressing a fiery retort, "I did not expect for you to suggest inviting Dastrehan back here so soon."

Zaiden's eyes were on his own hands as he tapped a rhythm on the tabletop, "Surely you know that I would not push to put you in this situation if it were not completely necessary?"

Endolynn frowned, unable to argue with his words. Zaiden tried so hard to protect her; he would never put her in a bad position if it could be helped.

Unfortunately, traditions and social rules did not help what a terrible situation it would be.
"You said you have a plan," Zaiden said, but stopped when the servants entered. The siblings stayed quiet while their food was placed in front of them.
"Thank you," Endolynn said as they left, already digging in. She was famished.
Zaiden took a few bites, watching his sister.
"What?" Annoyance prickled in her tone. She had not looked at him, but she knew he was watching her.

Undeterred, Zaiden continued to enjoy his food.
"Why not tell me your plan?"

Endolynn groaned. Could they not enjoy one meal in peace?

"It is less of a plan and more of an idea," she said between bites once she realized her brother was not going to give up.
"It is only me here," Zaiden reminded her gently, "Just tell me."
Endolynn pushed the roasted chicken around on her plate. Any hope she had that he would drop the issue was quickly fading. She should not be surprised; her brother was even more stubborn that she herself was.
"I will just raise the child as my own," Endolynn said, pausing to pop a piece of food into her mouth and chew before continuing, "But I want to wait until after the coronation."

Her brother just shrugged; clearly expecting a worse idea to have come from her.
"Kingdoms have had leaders with illegitimate children before. The child I had with Dastrehan would have been the Tarkam heir."

"Tarkam is used to illegitimate children," Zaiden replied simply, and Endolynn felt her heart sink with the thought of King Dastrehan's half brother Price Leoford, "Balear is not."
She had met him in person once, nearly two years prior at Dastrehan's coronation. When he had casually threatened her and her unborn child.
He had caused nothing but trouble for Dastrehan, even resorting to getting someone loyal to him to poison Endolynn, nearly killing her.
The poison had killed her baby.
Endolynn closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. The memory of Ayleth was still too painful.
"Leoford is the way he is because he was treated poorly," Endolynn said firmly, "That will not happen to my child."

Zaiden pushed his spotless plate away from himself and sat back in his chair to stretch,
"That still leaves the issue of how you are going to tell Dastrehan."
Endolynn shifted, uncomfortable.
"He never needs to know."
Zaiden went quiet, and she could tell that he was studying her face carefully. Endolynn refused to meet his eyes and focused instead on the food in front of her. She knew he was judging her in that moment, and she did not want to see the look on his face. It would crush the weak resolve she was forcing herself to carry.
"Lynnie..." It was minutes later when he spoke. Endolynn had been hopefully that it was the end of the conversation, but the caution and slight distress in his voice told her he was not near done.

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