Chapter 41

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Dear Readers,

I am so, so sorry for the delay in updating. I am drowning in school, motherhood, and work. But, I am committed to this story. It is hard to find the time right now, but once I am done with my classes in June, I will have more time to write. This book will be finished (and more exciting projects are on the way), and I will try to update it as often as I can. Thank you to everyone who commented and/or messaged me to check on me; I am so grateful. Thank you for being patient and continuing to support me and my books!

Bria <3

A light blanket of snow was coating them within the few short minutes it took for the healers to arrive in the courtyard.
Warrick did not even need to be told to whom he should go to first; Rose's sobbing was a beacon calling out for help. Jocelynn stood and gently pulled Endolynn back to give space as Warrick came up to the princess.

"We need to get her inside," Warrick said to the woman who accompanied him. Without taking the time to ask for permission, they each took an arm, murmuring words of comfort that were drowned out by Rose's protesting screams.
Endolynn tried and failed to look away from the horrifying scene of Rose being carried away, reaching out for her husband's body.

"We need to get you out of the cold, Your Majesty."

Whomever spoke to her was unheard. Endolynn's focus was locked on Rose until she disappeared up the stairs and into the palace.

Then, her eyes dropped to her brother laying out before her on the tiles of the courtyard.
How had it come to this?

How had they overcome so much, only to be separated by death now?

They had survived Royce's assassination attempts.
They had managed to live in different kingdoms, in constant threat of discovery by their enemies.
They had found each other, united and re-conquered their own kingdom.

They had both found love, started families.
And now, it ended like this?

Dastrehan's concerned voice interrupted her running thoughts, pulling her back to reality.
Wordlessly, she looked up into his eyes. She could see the concern and grief he was holding in them.

"The healers need to see to you."

Endolynn could not care less about her own wellbeing, but she did care about the rest of her friends.

She nodded, but the lines of concern on Dastrehan's forehead did not release. Only his eyes showed his relief that he would not have to drag her into the palace himself.
Endolynn slipped her free hand into her husbands, allowing for him to lead her into the palace.

Jocelynn still clung to her, and the other princesses followed.

On the edge of the courtyard, Endolynn froze, pulling Dastrehan to an abrupt halt.

Her voice was a whisper, frail and powerless.
"Wait!" Louder this time, pulling back her husband and turning once more in the direction of her brother.
"Alys-" Dastrehan's concerned plea was cut off by the effort it took for him to keep his wife in his grasp.

"He cannot be left like that!" Endolynn's voice came out desperate and cracked with her grief. She tugged on Dastrehan's hand, prepared to run back to her brother and shield him from the cold blanket coating the sheet that had been pulled back over him.

He needed protection. He needed to be cleaned up. To be prepared for burial.
Before Dastrehan had to relent to Endolynn dragging their small group back into the middle of the courtyard, Clement came hurrying towards them, her arms held out to her queen.
With a boldness that must have shocked any onlookers, Clement cupped the queen's face tenderly.

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