Chapter 13

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"I have something I need to tell you," Zaiden said once Endolynn had managed to compose herself.
She still sat on the sofa. Rose was sitting next to her, attempting to try and provide comfort that Endolynn did not want from her friend at that moment. As unfair as it was to blame her, Endolynn could not help feeling that it was Rose's fought that all of this was happening.
Endolynn waved for her brother to speak, hoping that he was not about to bring up anything regarding Dastrehan.
"King Leif and his family are leaving immediately."
Endolynn straightened a little, surprise making her more alert, "What? There is still your wedding to attend."
"We received word an hour ago that Princess Jocelynn is missing."

Endolynn looked at her brother, now completely confused.
Zaiden looked agitated, and now she realized it went much further than just her own situation with Dastrehan.
"I thought she is in Joresh with that prince- what is his name? He must be Princess Maajida's brother."
"Prince Mihrab," Rose reminded her gently.
"Yes, him."
Zaiden shrugged, "That is what we all thought. In fact, the Marniac royal family was going to visit Joresh for Jocelynn's wedding after they left us."
Endolynn shook her head, "Okay, what do you mean she is missing?"

Zaiden threw up his hands and started to pace a little, "The message from Prince Mihrab did not say much. All it said was that she has been missing for days, which is now over a week since the message came by pigeon."
"Do they think she just ran away?" Rose asked when Endolynn just stared at the floor in front of her.
"No," Endolynn answered quickly, sure that that was not a possibility, "Jocelynn wants to be a queen, and Prince Mihrab is first in line for his father's throne. She would never give that up."
Zaiden stopped moving and nodded, sharing a worried look with his soon-to-be-wife.
"So, then something bigger is going on."
The siblings nodded at Rose's assessment of the situation.
"She is most likely dead," Zaiden commented, "King Leif is on his way to Joresh to investigate himself."
As much as Endolynn did not like Princess Jocelynn for everything she had put her through while she had been living in Tarkam Palace before her memories came back, she felt incredibly sad. She would never have wished her dead. And if she were alive, that meant she was likely being held prisoner.
"If she is alive, whomever has her will contact Prince Mihrab or King Leif soon," Endolynn said gravely, "If someone has her, they want something."
Zaiden did not have to nod for his concerned face to confirm that he was thinking the very same thing.
"Did King Leif say if he needed anything?"

"He requested 50 soldiers," Zaiden replied with a sigh, "Just to help boost protection for his family."
"See to it," Endolynn said confidently. She had already made things harder between their two kingdoms by refusing the proposed marriage to the young Marniac prince; she wanted to show they were still loyal to the alliance.
Zaiden turned to prepare the soldiers, then stopped.
"Are you going to be okay?" He asked his sister, trying not to be too overbearing.
Endolynn appreciated the thought. She did not even know how to answer, but she nodded and forced a tight smile so that he would feel alright about leaving her.
"I have Rose."
A look of relief came to the prince's face and he smiled warmly at Rose, "Yes, she certainly is a breath of fresh air."
Usually, Endolynn would have agreed. But right then, she was still harboring hard feelings.
As soon as Zaiden had shut the door behind himself, Endolynn stood.
"You should go, too," she moved towards her bed chamber, not caring that she was being rude, "You have your wedding tomorrow, and you need to rest."
Rose stood as well and looked regretfully at the queen's back as she walked away.
"I am sorry about how things are between you and King Dastrehan," she said softly, and Endolynn almost felt her frustration soften a little.

Without another word, Rose left, leaving Endolynn to her miserable self.


The weather was perfect for an outdoor wedding. Elspeth had been meticulous in having the largest garden set up for Zaiden and Rose. Endolynn felt her breath catch in her throat as she looked around at the elegant decorations.

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