Chapter 36

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Author's note:

I am SO sorry for the long delay. Life has been crazy on my end. But, I promise that I am hard at work bringing you new chapters, and new content for the future!

Thank you all for the continued support!

Even with Zaiden's arrival, they had made no progress on learning the whereabouts of the queen. The urgency grew every day, plaguing Dastrehan's soul to the point where he was ready to start being reckless.

Zaiden, thankfully, was the calm and reasonable one of the two of them. His calmness awed the king, especially because he knew deep down the prince was vying to find and avenge his sister.

Every day, Zaiden and Dastrehan spent time pouring over useless reports and throwing ideas back and forth. But nothing helped.
Dastrehan had only two choices; both he disliked entirely.
Give up, or rekindle the war with Catesh.

The recklessness growing within him favored war over giving up on his queen, but Zaiden was wisely hesitant.
"If we knew for certain she is being held in Catesh, I would gladly ally with you and finish this war before it started," Zaiden assured his brother-in-law as he took a stiff drink of the goblet of red wine he held, "But we cannot take the chance of starting a war on hope alone."
Dastrehan stared at his untouched plate of food, gripping his own goblet of wine so hard that he was surprised it had not shattered from the pressure.
Zaiden was right. And Alys would never want him to start a war that would take lives, just for her sake.

His mind knew that.
But his heart knew that he could not give up.

How could he return to his children with nothing? How could he explain to them as they got older that he had abandoned the search for their mother, leaving her to an unknown and surely awful fate.

The doors to their private dining room were opened, the sudden interruption pulling Dastrehan from his thoughts as he sat in his chair in defeat.

Between the two oak doors appeared Ezan, pale and puffing for breath.
"Sir Ezan," Zaiden was unable to hide the shock appearing on his face, but his tone sounded relieved to see the man alive. Hearing of how Ezan had barely escaped alive had left Zaiden feeling uneasy. Dastrehan had forgotten that the prince had not yet seen him since he had arrived at the keep.

"Your Highness," Ezan stepped into the room, letting the doors shut behind him loudly, "Your Majesty."
Dastrehan nodded his greeting back as he placed his goblet on the table, "I was told you would not be fit for duty for a number of months," he said carefully. The energy rolling off Ezan conveyed his exhaustion but also a dire determination.
As Ezan stopped before the oak table, he clasped his hands behind his back and raised his chin a little, "I am fit enough."
Dastrehan observed him silently for a few moments. Everything about the man's body language screamed that he was on the offense, from his clenched jaw to his stiff posture.
Zaiden watched Ezan too, and a look that almost indicated relief came over the prince's face.
"Sir Ezan," Zaiden greeted calmly, "It is good to see you well. I had feared the worst when I was informed of your dire condition."
Ezan twitched, as if he were suppressing a shrug.
"We have heard nothing of any progress made in finding Queen Endolynn," Ezan said, quickly changing the subject, "What is being done and how can I assist?"

Out of the corner of his eye, Dastrehan saw Zaiden's face fall a bit.

"We were just discussing that very matter," the prince said, then cleared his throat before continuing, "We have come to a spot where we have some... difficult decisions to make."
Ezan tensed, somehow becoming even more rigid than he already was. He turned his eyes to Dastrehan, who was still watching him.
"What is the meaning of that?"

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