Chapter 20

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The nearly three-week journey was made bearable only by the fact that Endolynn had several people with her to keep her sane. Though it did not take much longer than her trip to Balear with her grandfather had taken the year before, it felt like it was endless. By the time they made it halfway, Endolynn had informed Dastrehan several times that she would not be riding in a carriage on this trip while pregnant ever again. Bones that Endolynn had not even been aware that she had ached.

When Tarkam Palace came into view, Endolynn heaved a sigh of relief. She was looking forward to a long soak in a tub and a comfortable bed.
Much to her relief, Dastrehan had insisted they stay in inns along the way so that she could make use of decent beds. They were adequate, but nothing compared to the beds that awaited her at the palace.

It was midday as they approached the palace. The carriage stopped, and Dastrehan carefully helped Endolynn out so that they could switch to an open buggy that came out of the palace and met them.
As Endolynn looked towards the palace, she could see massive crowds gathered beside the road they were traveling, watching for them.

Endolynn immediately felt over exposed and uncertain. There would be hundreds of eyes on them.
"My advisers already announced that we married in Balear and that you are expecting," Dastrehan reminded her gently, sensing her uneasiness.

Endolynn sighed and settled in next to him. Her heart raced as the buggy moved forward.

You are a queen; act like it, she reminded herself firmly. Hiding beside Dastrehan would not do. These were officially her people now, and she had to act accordingly.

It was weird to suddenly feel inadequate again. It was as if returning to Tarkam Palace made her past as Alys come back to the surface.
Taking a deep breath, she straightened herself and waved as the buggy passed the large crowds.
Most of the people cheered for her, shouting happy words towards them. Endolynn noticed a few angry faces dispersed throughout the crowd, but thankfully whatever they were yelling did not reach her ears.

The crowd thinned out at the palace gates. As soon as the buggy and the rest of their traveling party was through, the massive iron gates were closed firmly shut.
Endolynn almost jumped out the buggy; the energy from the crowd had roused her much more than she had anticipated.
"Slow down, Love," Dastrehan sounded amused as he moved past her to step down and then offer her his hands for assistance.
Endolynn gave him a small smile as she took his hands and let him help her.
She looked up at the massive palace entrance and a warm feeling came over her. When she had left these grounds the autumn before, she had thought she would never set foot in the palace again. Now, it was her palace.
"Are you coming?"
Endolynn moved her eyes from the palace in front of her to Dastrehan. He was a few strides in front of her, as if he had already started walking and then realized she had not followed. His arm was outstretched towards her, and he was giving her a curious look.
Endolynn nodded and walked towards him, taking his hand so he could lead her into the palace with him.
"Is it how you remembered it?" Dastrehan asked her as they walked, watching her look around.
"Yes," Endolynn replied, a little out of breath, "It feels so strange to be back."
Dastrehan frowned a little as he studied her, but they kept walking.
"Strange in a good way?"
Endolynn looked at him then, noticing that he was starting to sound concerned.

"Yes. I thought if I ever came back here, you would be married to someone else, and I would be visiting purely on business."
All traces of concern disappeared from Dastrehan's face as she spoke, and he mulled over her words.
"Ah, I see."

Endolynn squeezed his hand a little tighter for a few moments, "You are stuck with me now."
The smile that cracked across Dastrehan's face was huge. He pulled the hand that he was holding hers with towards him and let go quickly so he could wrap his arm around her playfully.

A Queen Conflicted (Alys Book #3)Where stories live. Discover now