Chapter 9

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As Endolynn walked through the halls slowly towards the ballroom where her coronation feast and celebrations were to take place, she was in a daze. She walked alone, except for Ezan and the other personal guards that Rohesia had personally insisted on. A few walked ahead and a few walked behind.
"Your Majesty," Esme's voice cut into Endolynn's foggy brain, and she stopped abruptly to look for her friend.
She was standing in front of the guards ahead of Endolynn, who were hesitating to let her through.
"Let her approach," Endolynn's order was tired.
The guards did, and made sure to stand guard while the two woman stood in the hallway together.
"The king asked me to check on you," Esme admitted carefully, reaching for one of Endolynn's hands. Endolynn let her take it.
Just knowing Dastrehan was concerned enough to send Esme to her made her heart ache to go to him.

She was grateful that Esme was not trying to perk and cheer her up.

"You can tell him I am fine," Endolynn said, offering a weak smile, "I just need a few moments to think before I head back into the attention of so many people."

Esme nodded that she understood.
"I will walk with you to your seat," she offered, looping her arm in Endolynn's.
The comfort of the simple gesture warmed Endolynn and brought some energy into her tired soul.

When they entered the ballroom from the main level, people were already trickling in from various entrances.
Endolynn and Esme moved towards the table set up at the head of the room. To both sides of it, more tables were set up in a row, leaving a space in the middle of the room for whatever activities and entertainments were planned.

With a comforting smile, Esme left Endolynn standing alone in front of her chair.
It was customary to wait for the other royal members of the family to join her before sitting down, but Endolynn cared not.
As she moved to sit, Ezan stepped forward and pulled her chair out for her.

"Thank you," she whispered to him, sitting down as gracefully as she could manage.
Eventually, Zaiden and Rose joined her and sat to her left. Elspeth and Prince Jatova sat down on her right shortly after.
Guests were still finding their seats when Elspeth leaned over to Endolynn.
"Prince Jatova has formally asked for my hand," she whispered, though her voice did not seem as chipper as Endolynn would have expected at such statement. But with a quick glance at the empty seat on the other side of Prince Jatova, Endolynn realized Atheena had not joined them.
"That is wonderful news, Els," Endolynn smiled warmly at her cousin, hoping to cheer her up a little, "May I make the announcement?"
Elspeth perked up a little at the suggestion and nodded quickly.
Endolynn looked around the ballroom. For the most part, everyone had found their seats.
She reached forward to grasp her empty silver goblet and her fork.
A ring sounded as she tapped the fork against the goblet, drawing the attention of almost everyone else in the room.
"I have an exciting announcement," Endolynn called out as she stood slowly. Zaiden moved to help her, but she had already pushed her chair back and was standing.
All eyes in the room were on her, and she was glad that for once, she had someone to speak about rather than herself.
"Prince Jatova has asked for Princess Elspeth's hand in marriage, and she has accepted." Endolynn looked to her cousin, who stayed seat. Elspeth's face was flushed slightly with happiness as she watched the queen speak.
"Please join me in celebrating with them!"

A servant had filled the goblets of the royal family members and their escorts quickly while Endolynn spoke, and she reached for hers now.
She raised her goblet, and those in the tables in front of her did the same.
After the toast, Endolynn sat back down.
Soon, servants were hurrying to bring out platters of food to everyone.
Endolynn waited until every guest had been served before she started eating. Her family members followed her example.

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