Chapter 11

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Endolynn slept in late the next morning. When she finally pulled herself out of bed, her body protested with aching that nearly convinced her to stay in bed all day.
But that was not an option for a brand-new queen.
There were last minute preparations for Zaiden's wedding in two days, on top of the audiences that various visitors had requested.

Zaiden had made sure one of the smaller dinning rooms had been set up for meetings so that Endolynn did not have to worry about fitting people into her study. It would have been big enough, but it was not set up to be comfortable. The throne room was too public for intimate meetings with visitors.
The first meeting was after the noon meal with the Marniac royal family and two of their advisers.
Endolynn arrived after them; she had been briefly distracted by Rose wanting to pester her with questions about how she was feelings.
"I apologize for my tardiness," Endolynn said politely as she took a seat at the head of the large oak table. Zaiden and her advisers were seated at her sides. King Leif sat at the foot of the table, with his wife, son, and advisers sitting between himself and Endolynn's advisors.
As usual, Queen Ann had a tight look on her face. It looked as if she could not stand being in Endolynn's presence, and it made the young queen want to get this over with as fast as possible.
"Being a leader is busy work," King Leif replied, seemingly unbothered by her being late. Endolynn smiled in response.
"Before you say what you have on your mind," Endolynn said as she reached for a paper Ivo held out to her from her left, "I have a detailed record here of all the men that were lost from the army you provided me with when I retook Balear."
Endolynn paused as her eyes went over the list and caught Leofrick's name halfway down.
The painful memory of the man who had stood beside her in battle breathing his last still haunted her often. Leofrick had saved her life a number of times, and she still hated herself for not saving his.
"The final amount of coin we owe you and the families of the men lost is at the bottom. We have checked the calculations over several times."

Endolynn handed the paper to a servant who walked it over to King Leif. The large man took it and read it carefully, rubbing his red beard.
"This seems to be the amount we had agreed upon," he said, passing the paper to an adviser to be double checked.
"Good," Endolynn said tightly, "Then you may choose if you are paid in silver and gold, or precious jewels. You can think about it and get back to me tomorrow."
The king nodded.
Endolynn clasped her hands in front of her on the table, happy that her part of the meeting was over already.
King Leif looked at the adviser that was now looking over the paper and moved his head to prod him to speak.
"Your Majesty," though the man addressed her respectfully, she could tell he did not like her, "We have not heard yet if you are intending to marry or not."
Endolynn remembered the man from when the Marniac royal family had been visiting Tarkam. He had not been kind to her, especially when Princess Jocelynn had falsely accused her of attacking her.
"Why is this any concern of yours?" Zaiden asked sharply, coming to his sister's defence straight away. Endolynn appreciated the back up, but he was coming off heavy handed too soon. She gave him a small smile to assure him she could handle this.
"I think what Prince Zaiden is trying to say," Lord Rankin gave Zaiden a stern look before turning his attention to the Marniac adviser who had spoken, "is that he is not sure why you ask such a question. There are many eligible princes in nearby kingdoms Queen Endolynn will be able to pick from, and she is in no hurry."
Endolynn stopped herself from rolling her eyes in annoyance. Since when could a man be picked like some kind of fruit? This was a worn-out argument she had been having with Lord Rankin and Clement for months, and she was not willing to give in to the idea of simply settling for just some any prince for the sake of an alliance.
The adviser shifted nervously in his seat, but after a stern look from his king, he continued,
"By that I take it that you are not currently betrothed?"

Endolynn looked the man directly in the eyes when she answered, "I am not."
The other Marniac adviser set the paper he had been reading down and looked at the queen evenly, clearly impatient with how the other adviser was dragging things out.
"Prince Gregory is 16 years old. He has a few years before he will be ready to get married, but such an arrangement would do well for both of our kingdoms."
Endolynn blinked, sure she had misheard him.
When no one spoke, she looked at Zaiden quickly.
She knew instantly that he was trying his hardest to keep a straight face, but he was close to failing.
"I..." Endolynn stopped, lost for words.
"Are you proposing a marriage between Queen Endolynn and Prince Gregory?" August was the first one to find his voice.
King Leif starred him down, daring the Balearian adviser to imply it was a foolish idea. All of Endolynn's advisers stayed silent, and she knew they were all focusing on not out right laughing at such a ridiculous idea.
Endolynn looked at Prince Gregory seated to his father's left. He had his face in a well composed, expressionless mask. His curly red hair was tied at the back of his neck, and his pale skin was colored with lots of dark freckles.
But he was still a boy to her.
Endolynn took a few moments to think. Rejecting King's Leif's proposal was a delicate task. If she said or did the wrong thing, Balear's alliance with Marniac would be at risk.

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