Chapter 6

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In no time, Esme had Endolynn in an elegant teal dress and a purple cloak.
"This is a style I have never seen before," Esme commented as she helped Endolynn put her arms through the loops of the sleeveless cloak, "I think I saw Rose in something similar. Lucky, because it hides your belly well."
Endolynn just nodded, knowing that if she tried to explain, she would likely fall apart again.

Esme had brushed out Endolynn's hair, dampened it to bring out her curls, and added some small braids with silver beads before setting her crown firmly on her head.
"You look beautiful," Esme said, flashing the princess a huge smile. Endolynn smiled back, but it was forced.
The last thing she wanted to do was go to this feast where she would be under everyone's eyes and forced to interact.
Too soon, Zaiden knocked on her door, summoning Endolynn to join him and Rose in the hallway.
With a reassuring smile, Esme took off to go find her husband.
"Did you know she was coming?" Endolynn asked her brother and Rose as they started walking. They both shook their heads in answer.
"It was all Dastrehan," Zaiden replied in a nonchalant manor that only made Endolynn's emotions feel more overwhelmed.

Why did just a kind gesture make her feel so upset? She was overjoyed that Esme was here in Balear to visit.

But as they walked in the direction of the ballroom where the feast would be, Endolynn felt more and more uneasy.
She knew it was because of Dastrehan. Here he was, traveling with his future wife, and he was still trying to make Endolynn happy. It felt like he was trying to play with her feelings. It hurt her more than helped her, but she knew he had held the best intentions.
The three of them paused before they entered the ballroom, allowing Endolynn in particular to collect herself.
"You can do this," Zaiden said reassuringly, nudging her shoulder with his.
Endolynn look a long breath out of her mouth and forced a large smile on her face.
A servant moved passed the curtain in front of them that concealed the hall they were standing in from anyone in the ballroom.
Through the fabric, they could hear an announcer shout out to everyone that Princess Endolynn and Prince Zaiden were entering.

Endolynn's heart was racing, making her feel almost sick, but she stepped forward, knowing she had to appear before Zaiden on the other side of the curtain.
Into the watching eyes of her guests and many of her people.

When Endolynn pulled back the curtain and stepped out, she was on a massive landing a floor above the main ballroom. A wide staircase went off to the left, where they would descend to the main floor. Before they did so, Endolynn and Zaiden stepped up to the railing of the landing and acknowledged their guests as cheers rang out towards them. Rose stood slightly behind Zaiden to his right, a genuine smile on her face.
Endolynn intentionally kept her eyes from focusing on faces of those gathered below them, knowing that if she somehow picked up Dastrehan's face, she would not be able to keep up her cheerful expression.
After a few seconds, Endolynn turned away and started to descend the stairs, Zaiden and Rose following closely behind.
She took each step slowly as she had been coached to by Elspeth. It took all of her focus not to let herself fly down the steps and disappear into the crowd.
The feast was more casual than her coronation feast would be. Tables were scattered all over the ballroom and were set up with platters of untouched foods and drinks.

When they touched down on the main floor, the room went silent. Endolynn froze for a second, completely forgetting what she was supposed to do next.
Someone cleared their throat nearby, and Endolynn looked towards the noise. Clement stood about ten feet away, mouthing the word "speak" slowly to her.
Immediately Endolynn felt her face warm, but she refused to let such a silly slip up dishevel her image. Regaining the large smile she had worn merely seconds before, she spoke to the room.
"Please, let us leave the formalities until tomorrow. Then, the real fun will start!"
People cheered, and she laughed in response, glad that they were not disappointed that she was not going to do a long winded speech.
That was for the next day, and just thinking about it made her nauseous.

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