Chapter 21

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As Endolynn had expected, Dastrehan's advisers were fixated on the small riot at the gates.

When they asked the king for an urgent meeting the next morning, Endolynn gratefully accepted Dastrehan's offer for her to skip it and rest. The spectacle of the evening before had left her shaken, and she had no desire to sit through a meeting with advisers that disliked her. Especially because they now had more to support their side.

Instead, Endolynn joined her friend out in the gardens for tea when a servant came to let her know Dimia had had something set up.
"It was not even that many people," Esme commented as she sat down with a freshly poured cup of tea. Her tone was relaxed, like the protest was insignificant.
Dimia nodded from her spot beside Esme, "Rohan is not worried. We all saw the crowds that gathered to welcome you back. Your supporters far outnumber those that dislike you."
Endolynn frowned into her cup of tea as she thought over the words of her friends.
Esme and Dimia had not heard the yelling, and Endolynn was positive Rohan would not have told them the words that they had been chanting.

They might have been small in number last night, but where there was rot, it was bound to spread.
"Rohan took care of it," Dimia assured the queen confidently, "He said they had all dispersed within minutes."
Endolynn forced a smile, not wanting her friends to worry about her.

"What exactly is it that Thoren does here in the palace?" Endolynn asked Esme, itching for a change of topic to take her mind off the riot.
Esme beamed immediately, readily explaining her husband's new role.
Essentially, Thoren oversaw choosing the wines, mead, and spirits that were served in the palace. Outside of that, he had been given his own new estate to replace the one that had burned down.
"We live just outside the palace walls," Esme said proudly, "We both come here in the mornings and spend most of the day in the palace."

It was nice to see Esme so fulfilled and happy. Endolynn wanted to ask to see their estate, but she knew Dastrehan would strongly object to her leaving the safety of the palace, especially after what they had witnessed the night before.
"You must be getting close to your delivery," Dimia gestured to Endolynn's stomach, "do you have everything in place?"
Endolynn shrugged, "Warrick says 5 weeks or so, but Aldyth disagrees."

"You are already much bigger than the biggest you got last time," Esme said carefully, not wanting to offend the queen.
Endolynn chuckled softly and shifted to make herself more comfortable on the wood chair she sat in, "I did not make it this far into my last pregnancy, so it is hard to know."
Dimia quickly changed the subject, obviously not wanting to go in a direction that would keep Endolynn in a bad mood. She asked about Rose and Zaiden, and Endolynn happily filled her in. Apparently, neither of them had noticed the connection between the two of them when they had left to fight for Balear, and it had been a surprise when Dastrehan had announced they would be attending their wedding.
Endolynn smiled as she thought about her brother and his new bride. Their love was so innocent and pure; it was exactly what so many others wished for.

"Rose will make an excellent queen one day," Esme's excitement was obvious, and Dimia nodded her agreement.
"She is such a sweet little thing."
"She is," Endolynn agreed, "But she can hold her ground. She told Dastrehan off in Balear when we were...arguing... about the baby, and I was speechless."
Esme's eyes, widened, but an approving smile appeared on Dimia's face.
"She is lucky he is not tempered like his father," Esme said, "King Nole was known for being a ruthless man."
"Yes well," Endolynn shifted again, not able to remain comfortable on the stiff wooden chair, "If Dastrehan were anything like his father was rumored to be, I would never have gotten myself involved with him in the first place."
"You likely would not have had a choice," Dimia said with a shutter, "He could have demanded you be his bed warmer, and you would never have been allowed to say no."

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