Chapter 15

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Endolynn dreaded the thought of meeting with Dastrehan. As she sat in her bath soaking in warm water the morning after her brother's wedding and the fire, she wished she had not agreed to meet with the king while they had been in the garden.
Just the thought of their brief encounter the day before made her body fill with guilt.
She would be putting up a firm wall between them when they did speak; she would not allow herself to destroy another woman's trust and happiness.
Endolynn had half a mind to ask one of her advisers to accompany her for the audience, but she knew that it would make things incredibly awkward. She and Dastrehan had to figure this out once and for all, and having a third party present would not allow for that.
Not that talking about it would change anything.
"I have already made my decisions..."
"Pardon, my lady?" Krea asked from the other room, and Endolynn realized that she had said the words out loud while stuck in her thoughts.
"Nothing, Krea," she said quickly, sitting up in the bath and ringing out her hair gently, "I think I am ready to get out. I want to check on Elspeth."
Krea came into the room with a fluffy towel cheerfully, as if nothing at all were wrong. It made Endolynn feel less gloomy to have someone around who was constantly chipper no matter what the circumstances. It was a unique quality to have when life could be so cruel.
Soon, Endolynn was dressed in a bright green dress with a white sleeveless coat and walking through the palace to the guest chambers where Krea had said her cousin had been moved to. Everything Elspeth had owned had been destroyed in the fire that consumed her regular chambers.

When the queen entered the main chamber door, Elspeth was nowhere in sight.
Prince Jatova was sitting on a sofa, sitting rigidly as if he were on a constant alert.
"Your Grace," Endolynn greeted politely as she entered.

Jatova responded with a tight "Your Majesty," back.

Endolynn stopped a bit away from where Jatova sat, looking around the room quickly. It was a nicely set up chamber; cream-colored silk curtains on the windows and covering the doors out to a small balcony matched the felt covered sofas in the room. Bright rugs were strategically placed around the room, adding a cheerfulness to the atmosphere.
"Where is Princess Elspeth?" Endolynn asked, trying to not let her voice betray her concern. The prince nodded towards a closed door on the right of the room, "She will not come out. She even locked her maid out this morning."
A frown came across Endolynn's face as she moved to the door herself.
"Elspeth?" She called softly after knocking on the door lightly, "It is Endolynn. Are you okay?"
When there was no reply, Endolynn waited a few moments before speaking again. She pressed her ear to the wood of the door and could hear sniffingly faintly.
"Can I do anything?"
The sniffling stopped, and Endolynn could hear Elspeth clear her throat.
"I need to know if my sister perished in the fire," her voice was hoarse from crying for a long time.

"I will do everything I can to get an answer for you," the queen assured her cousin, feeling terrible that she could not offer her more.
There was no verbal reply, but Endolynn could hear that Elspeth had returned to crying.
With a sigh, Endolynn turned back to Prince Jatova and gave him a tight smile.
"Please send word when she emerges. I will work on getting her more information on Princess Atheena."

Jatova nodded, still looking tense. Endolynn was surprised that he was so worked up. He had grown attached to her cousin in a few short days, but she was happy for them.
Her mind was troubled as she made her way towards the ruined east wing of the palace. Though the events at the palace were over and done with, some guests would be staying a little longer. The fire added yet another stressor to Endolynn's plate, especially since Atheena was missing.
Part of her almost wished that they would find Atheena had indeed died in the fire; there would be no need to figure out and deliver a punishment for her treasonous orders against Rose if she were dead.

A Queen Conflicted (Alys Book #3)Where stories live. Discover now