Chapter 29

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Endolynn hardly slept that first night in their jail. When she did, it was fitful and light.

Every time that she woke, she was terrified and dripping in sweat.

Every time her eyes opened to see that she was in a dark room with bars covering every exit, she felt dread grip her stomach.


When the sun started to rise, she gave up on sleeping anymore, and instead got up and resumed her inspection of their cage.
The day light seeping in between the bars on the windows lit up the cell room much better than the torches had the night before. But still, Endolynn could spot no weaknesses in their jail; nothing that she could use to escape or make a weapon with.
She gave a frustrated sigh, not realizing how loud it was until Jocelynn moved and stretched on her bed.
"Luxurious beds, are they not?" The princess's sarcasm was sharp, but it had no effect on Endolynn. The queen knew she would be even more bitter had she been in the other woman's shoes.

"Pregnancy can be terrible on the best of days and in the best of conditions. It must be awful to sleep on that bed in your condition."
Jocelynn, clearly not wanting Endolynn's pity, ignored her completely. She swung her legs over the edge of the bed, stretched her arms above her head one more time, and then stood.

Before Endolynn pulled her eyes away to other things, she let herself take a better look at the princess now that the lighting was better.
To her surprise, Jocelynn was wearing a dress that appeared to be clean, and the princess did not look any worse than a regular pregnant woman who was well taken care of would. She had not noticed it the night before in the terrible lighting, but Jocelynn's hair looked well-kept and clean.

Odd to be taken care of so well when you are a prisoner, Endolynn puzzled to herself.

Slowly, Maajida and Zari both got up themselves, and Endolynn noted that they too were not dirty and ragged looking like all prisoners were kept.
Without a word, Maajida moved away from her bed, past the queen's curious gazes, and towards the barred exit. She stopped a few feet before the bars would have stopped her, standing silently while she stared through them. Zari did the same, stopping behind Maajida close enough that she could reach out and touch the other princess if she wanted to.
Endolynn watched, confused. Jocelynn moved past her, waving for the queen to follow her. Endolynn complied, stopping a stride behind Jocelynn.

She wanted to ask questions, but decided that the moods of the princesses likely meant they would not wish to answer. For now, Endolynn was left with just observing.

They were not standing long before the sound of boots against wooden boards approached them, cuing Endolynn's stomach to clench into fear.
Was Leoford returning? It sounded like more than one set of boots, but of course he would bring protection for himself.
Why were the other women just standing in a line waiting for him like trained animals?
Endolynn's heart raced in her ears, almost jumping a beat when four men came into view through the bars.
None of them were Leoford, and despite her confusion and fear, Endolynn felt a small amount of relief come to her.
Without a word, one of the men produced a key to unlock the cell. He pulled the bar door open, nodding with his head for Maajida to move out.
In silence, Maajida stepped out of the cell, followed closely by Zari.
Jocelynn hesitated, glancing back at Endolynn suddenly. Endolynn met her gaze, confused when she saw a flicker of sympathy on the princess's face.
Jocelynn motioned silently for Endolynn to follow Zari as she stepped back slightly, which only confused the queen more.
But she complied, and as soon as she had passed her, Jocelynn moved to follow behind Endolynn.

The men were silent as they escorted the women down a flight of stairs, a long wide hallway, and through a large doorway.
Endolynn's eyes swiftly took in the room as she entered, scanning for any exits or weapons.
But neither were present. The only exit was the door they had just come through, as there did not seem to be any other doors or windows in the room.
Oil lamps hung on the walls in strategic places to keep the room well lit. Four bathing tubs were set up around the room, filled to the brim. Steam rose off the water into the air.

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