Chapter 40

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Zaiden's eyes never left Endolynn's even as he tipped backwards.

Within moments, she was there. Grabbing her brother, cradling his head, her body already shaking violently with the sobs that were consuming her.
For there was no fooling her mind from what she knew; this was a lethal hit.

Endolynn pulled her brother onto her lap, forgetting everything around her.
All that mattered was Zaiden; nothing around her existed.

No threat was relevant.
"You're okay," she cried as she held his head to her chest, "I am right here."

"Lynnie," Zaiden wheezed and then coughed, "You need to keep going-"
"I am not leaving you," she cut him off, trying to ignore the mist of blood that emerged from his mouth with every cough, "Everything is going to be okay."

Zaiden winced as he gestured with a hand behind to where they had just run from, and Endolynn looked up.

The man who had fired the arrow at Zaiden stood about 10 strides away. He was already notching another arrow, preparing to fire on Endolynn.

Endolynn looked back to Zaiden, ignoring the soldier. There was nothing she could do, anyway.
She held no fear for herself; only for her brother.

This would be the end, and they would face it together.
But the arrow never came.

While cradling Zaiden's head, Endolynn was vaguely aware of something flying past her head from the opposite direction as the archer. When she glanced back up, she saw the archer fall with an axe deep in his chest.

But no feeling of relief came. Zaiden was still gravely injured.

Zaiden's hand gripped the collar of his sister's shirt with a desperate strength that surprised her.

"Lynnie," his voice was already so weak, he could only manage to whisper between the choking that was overtaking him, "You have to go."

Endolynn wiped furiously at the tears clouding her vision as she looked down at her brother. His blue eyes did not hold their usual calm, but she was unaffected.

"You cannot leave me!" Endolynn grasped her brother's face, unwilling to yield to his words or the situation they were in, "Zaiden, I need you."

"Do not blame yourself, Lynnie," Zaiden gave one last yank on her collar, "Rose-"

"Zaiden- Zaiden, do not-"

His fingers released their grip of her dress and his body went limp before Endolynn could finish.
"Zaiden!" Endolynn shook his head, gazing into his now lifeless eyes, "Zaiden, no!"

Her heart and mind became more and more frantic with every second that her brother did not reply. Every second that he did not so much as twitch.

Then, strong hands came around her waist and started pulling. Panicked, Endolynn locked her arms around Zaiden's body. She must not leave him behind.
"My Queen, you must come with me," Ezan's voice sounded far away as Endolynn scrambled to keep hold of her brother. She ignored it. All that mattered was Zaiden.
"Zaiden! Zaiden!" Her cries grew more frantic when her brother remained still and silent.
"Endolynn!" The arms around her tightened and yanked.

Zaiden's weight was too much for her, her strength was drained from her long captivity and poor meals. Within moments, she was being dragged away.

There was no method to the thrashing that seemed to overtake Endolynn's body as she reached for her brother, kicking and screaming with all she had in her.
"He is gone! You must come with me."
It was Ezan holding her, pulling her from her brother.

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