Chapter 8

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Krea got Endolynn up bright and early the day of her coronation. Endolynn had spent the day before recovering from the stress of the first feast. She had spent the day relaxing in her chambers, and hiding from specific guests she did not wish to see. Esme spent most the day with her, making the day off even better for Endolynn.

As the princess got into a warm bath that had just been prepared for her, Esme left to go freshen up.

"Big day today, My Lady," Krea said happily, her ginger hair dancing around her as she hurried around the bathing chamber making sure everything was ready to go.
Endolynn smiled as she watched her, happy that Krea enjoyed her work so much.
She hummed happily while she brushed out Endolynn's hair and washed it.
"Your coronation is at noon," Krea reminded her, "You have a meeting right before with your advisers."
Endolynn already knew this, but she appreciated that Krea was on top of things.
As soon as she was out of the bath, dried off, and in a temporary robe, Esme returned with Rose close on her heels. They were already fully ready, wearing beautiful dresses and their hair done. As before, Esme's hair was in a fancy bun, but Rose had hers down.
Despite Endolynn's nerves, she had fun getting ready. Krea, Esme, and Rose were all in high spirits and pampered Endolynn the entire morning.
Endolynn was so thankful that nothing had changed between herself and Esme.
"How do things work with Joss now that you have married Thoren?" Rose asked Esme as she plucked gold beads out of a mixed jar.

Esme kept working on the tiny braids she was making in Endolynn's hair.
"The same. Dimia and Rohan are raising him as their own, and I am still in the picture. But Thoren and I hope to have our own children one day."

Rose grinned from behind them, and Endolynn caught it in the reflection of the mirror in front of her.
"What?" She asked suspiciously.
When Rose did not respond and instead tried to wave Endolynn off, she knew exactly what Rose was thinking about.
"So you heard?" Endolynn's tone was unhappy, but she had a hard time keeping a straight face when Rose's smile cracked across her face.

"Zaiden might have mentioned it."
Esme giggled, then outright started laughing.
"Well, I am glad you two find it so funny," Endolynn crossed her arms, trying to appear upset, "Neither of you had to dodge men you were previously betrothed to last night."

"Three lovers..." Esme did an exaggerated sigh like it was something to covet, "How scandalous."

"You know very well that two of them were never my lovers." The princess quickly corrected, provoking further laughter from the other girls.
Endolynn rolled her eyes in mock frustration, "You two are the worst."
"You best be careful around that prince from Catesh," Rose suggested, trying to make her face serious, "You might end up with a fourth ex-betrothed by the end of the celebrations."

Endolynn tossed her comb at Rose, which just spurred the girls laughing harder.


The meeting with Endolynn's advisers was kept short and brief. The main purpose was to discuss how things would proceed throughout the day and make sure everyone agreed for how to deal with any potential conflicts that would come up. They all stood in Endolynn's study, ready to get it over with. Endolynn sat in her comfy chair behind her desk, enjoying sitting before she would have to spend the majority of the day standing.
"How do we want to deal with a challenge to the throne if one comes up?" Ivo asked grimly, knowing no one wanted to discuss it.
"I doubt that will be a problem," Zaiden said without concern, "Neither Princess Atheena nor Princess Elspeth have made any indication that they are interested in the throne. And who else would have a claim to it?"

Ivo frowned, "I think we should be prepared. According to Balearian customs, anyone who wishes to challenge the throne may do so during the coronation ceremony."
"Then let us be prepared, Ivo," Endolynn agreed, smiling calming at the older man, "If a challenge is issued, I will hear it."
Rohesia cleared her throat before speaking, clearly uncomfortable.
"You know that if someone challenges and you have it heard, it will be put to a vote immediately?"
"I am familiar with the process," Endolynn assured her.
"Your Highness," August said cautiously, clearly worried about upsetting her and trying his hardest to be patient, "Only those present who are of Balearian blood would be voting in such a situation. If you lost, you would lose the throne entirely."
Endolynn pressed her lips together and tried to lean forward but slouched back in her chair when her belly got in the way.

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