Chapter 7

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The further into the evening she got, the more Endolynn loathed that everyone could drink the meads and wines set up around the room but her.

After she had stormed away from Prince Jatova, Endolynn had wandered through the crowd, willing to interact with anyone if it would keep her mind off Dastrehan and away from Jatova.
All too soon, tables were being pushed to the sides of the room and the musicians started to play their music louder, signaling that dancing would be starting.

Endolynn groaned, knowing people were going to expect to see her on the dance floor. How would she manage that? She had completely forgotten that dancing would be a part of the festivities. Even if she got out of it tonight, it would be an issue at her coronation celebration and her brother's wedding.

Zaiden and Rose were the first ones to step out into the cleared space and start dancing. Endolynn wanted them, admiring how well they fit together.

Zaiden was beaming down at Rose like a love-struck fool, and Rose was sweetly looking up at him in return. She was not as good of a dancer as Zaiden, but that did not matter. It was clear she was enjoying herself.
Other couples wandered to the dance area and started moving around, and eventually Zaiden and Rose were caught up in the chaos of dancers around them. Endolynn stayed as blended into those not dancing as she could, but that number was quickly dwindling.

Prince Jatova passed through her view, a very happy Elspeth in his arms.
Despite Endolynn's dislike of the prince, she was happy that her cousin was enjoying his company.

Dimia and Rohan danced past Endolynn's view, then Esme and Thoren.
Endolynn's stomach tightened when she saw Thoren; she would have to find time soon to speak with Esme and make sure things were okay between them.
Endolynn could not believe her bad luck. She was happy for her friend, but what were the chances that Esme had married a man that Endolynn had left for Dastrehan?

Endolynn sighed, reminding herself that all would work out. Esme was reasonable. Surely, she would not hold it against Endolynn.

"Would you honor me with a dance, Your Highness?"
Endolynn looked over into the face of Prince Jaspar.
Instantly, she began to panic. How could she turn him down without offending him or causing others to talk?
His grey eyes dug into her, making it hard for her to think.
"Apologies, Your Grace," Endolynn heard Ezan come up beside her on her right, "Princess Endolynn has already promised me her first dance tonight. Perhaps later?"
Prince Jaspar narrowed his eyes at Ezan, but nodded when he knew he could not argue.
Endolynn gave the prince a fake apologetic smile and put her hand through the elbow Ezan was holding out to her. Slowly, they moved to the dance floor.
"What are doing?" Endolynn whispered quietly through her teeth, keeping a tight smile on her face.
Ezan calmly met her eyes as he placed a hand on her hip, and they started to dance slowly.
"You did not actually want to dance with him, did you?"
"Of course not," Endolynn answers quickly, "I have been trying to avoid dancing with anyone."
Evan smiled as they passed a few couples who looked their way, "You were going to have to dance with someone eventually. Prince Zaiden asked me to step in for you first dance to make sure you could..."
Unsure how to explain, he did not continue.
"Manage?" Endolynn offered, trying to keep her irritation with her brother out of her voice.
Ezan nodded.
If Zaiden is so worried, why did he not ask me to dance himself?
Now, Endolynn realized that Ezan was not in the same uniform as the other guards this evening. Instead, he was wearing the same type of expensive clothing that the nobles were. He had an emerald-green tunic on, and light pants. None of the guests would know he was a guard and not some important lord's son.
It was clever, and even though Endolynn was annoyed with Zaiden's seemingly endless concerns, she was happy he had the foresight to think this one through.
"Were you waiting for someone to ask me to dance?" Endolynn asked, giving him a suspicious look. Ezan shrugged, unbothered, "I have been close by all night. Though, you were hard to keep up with once you took off from that Arkalan prince."

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