Chapter 17

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When Endolynn woke up the next morning, her mind remained unchanged from her middle-of-the-night decision.

Satisfied that she would be making the best decisions for most of the people involved, Endolynn dressed and ate the breakfast that Krea had brought into her. She was determined to end this issue as soon as possible before she lost her nerve.
"Krea, please have Ezan send a messenger to King Dastrehan requesting a meeting."
Krea eyed her queen carefully while she dusted the shelves on the wall across from where Endolynn was sitting on a sofa.
"Of course, My Lady," she replied cautiously. Her tone was neutral, and Endolynn knew she was not sure of what to think.
Krea had been fully aware of the relationship history between the two of them. She had always been supportive, but ever since Endolynn had ended things, Krea had never brought the issue up.
Not wanting to explain anything to anyone before she spoke with Dastrehan, Endolynn turned her attention back to her food.
Krea opened the chamber door to speak with Ezan. Endolynn plopped fresh berries into her mouth, setting aside the half-eaten bowl of porridge. She hated the stuff, but Warrick was insistent on choosing her diet. It seemed he had a fondness of porridge she did not share with the healer.
Krea returned and gave the queen a small nod before heading back to her dusting. Endolynn took a steadying breath and finished eating.

Dastrehan would get the message shortly and would likely head right to her study.
Endolynn stood and exited her chambers, vibrating with nervous energy. Ezan quietly followed her, keeping to himself as usual.

As they walked towards her study in silence, Endolynn's thoughts went wild.
What if she was making the wrong decision? How was Dastrehan going to react?

Endolynn was ready to flee and abort the meeting when Zaiden's figure appeared. They met in front of her study, and he stopped.
"I was just coming to find you," Zaiden said cheerfully, his big bright smile stretching his face, "Do you have a few minutes?"

Endolynn shook her head tightly, "I am meeting Dastrehan."

Zaiden's smile faded a little at his sister's words and his eyebrows came together in concern.
"Did you think about what I said?"
Endolynn nodded, but she did not reply. She needed to speak with Dastrehan before she told her decision to anyone else. She owed him that much, at least.

Zaiden frowned as he studied her face, somehow coming to the determination that her decision was not the one he preferred.
"This is a lifelong decision," Zaiden said softly, watching his sister's face intently, "Make sure you make the right one."
Endolynn looked up at him then. Her lips were pinched together in a tight line. She knew what was at stake; she did not need him telling her.

No one knew what was at stake more than she did.
"I have to do what is best for all of us," she said firmly.
Zaiden's frown deepened, but he nodded that he understood, dropping her gaze.
He said nothing more, but he placed his hand on her shoulder and gave it a firm squeeze as he moved past her to leave.
Endolynn turned her head over her shoulder to watch him walk away and noted the droop that had come to his shoulders.
A slight feeling of gilt came to her, and she turned back to the door in front of her. She had not considered how much Zaiden had invested in this ordeal. Other than how putting more pressure on him to lead would affect him, she had not thought about how much he cared for Dastrehan and her own happiness.

For some reason, the guilt strengthened her resolve; she was making the better of the two decisions.


Endolynn had told Ezan to stand as close to the closed study door as possible after King Dastrehan joined her. She knew he was worried about overhearing, but that was the least of her concerns.

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