Chapter 34

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Trigger warning; read at your own discernment

Endolynn woke with a start, sitting up in her pathetic excuse of a bed rather suddenly. Nothing seemed to be amiss in the room as her eyes took stock, despite her racing heart.

Just a dream, she told herself, laying back down on the bed and forcing her lungs to take in slow, deep breaths.
It had not been Endolynn that Leoford's men had been sent to retrieve the night before, but Atheena. She had put up an impressive fight; she thrashed and screamed obscenities at the guards the entire time, refusing to go nicely.
In the end, the men overpowered her and dragged her away. It had taken all Endolynn's willpower not to come to her cousin's aid. But even as she had watched Atheena be pulled away, she had known she was useless to help. Anything Endolynn did would come back on the other women in that room. Things would be even worse for Atheena then.
That did not mean the guilt left her.
Endolynn had waited up late into the night, refusing to sleep until her cousin was returned to their prison.

When she did arrive, she stiffly moved to her bed and pulled the covers over her head. The thin fabric did little to muffle her sobbing, but the other women in the room had pretended not to hear. Atheena would not want their comfort or sympathy.

Now, Endolynn surveyed Atheena's bed, a weird feeling tightening her chest. The other royals were stirring, preparing for the guards to arrive to lead them to the bathing chamber. But Atheena remained in her bed, completely silent.
Endolynn stood to her feet, her back protesting any and all movement by sending fiery pain across her skin. She hissed, annoyed at her own carelessness at forgetting about her lashing injuries.
Zari gave her a knowing look, and Endolynn frowned, saddened that the princess shared the pain.
"Atheena," Endolynn said, her voice rough from sleep.

Atheena did not reply.
"You have to get up," Endolynn said, trying to keep her voice kind. But she feared what the guards would do to her cousin if they found her still in bed when they came to escort them all. They were not patient men. Nor were they kind.
When Atheena did not so much as move, Endolynn moved to her bed.
Though she could not fully understand what her cousin had just endured the night before, she knew she had to get her up. She could not leave her to the mercy of the guards.

"Atheena!" Endolynn stooped down despite her aching back, reaching to pull the over off Atheena. She would drag her out of the bed if she must.
The blanket came away, and Endolynn immediately froze and let out a small cry as her eyes met Atheena's face.
Her skin was an unnatural grey, her eyes were clouded, and a small trickle of black liquid had escaped the side of her mouth, which was now caked and dried.
"Atheena!" Endolynn dropped to her knees and shook her cousins' shoulders, unwilling to accept what her eyes were telling her.
When Atheena's stiff body still did not move, Endolynn put her head against her chest, praying that her heart was still beating.
But no heartbeat came to the queen's ear.

Jocelynn was already beside her, quietly surveying Atheena's ghostly face. Zari came as well, placing a hand on Endolynn's trembling shoulders.
"No Atheena," Endolynn straightened, looking at the face of her dead cousin as tears streamed down her cheeks, "What have you done?"
"Poison," Zari whispered to Jocelynn, who nodded silently, eyes wide with shock and fear.
"Did the guards do it?" Maajida asked from her side of the room, seemingly unwilling to come towards the dead body.
Endolynn was already shaking her head.
No, she had seen this poison used before. By Atheena's own loyal subjects. The servant who had attacked Princess Rose had consumed the same poison while in the dungeon to escape interrogation.
"She must have had it on her when she was first brought in," Endolynn managed to get out through her tears, "Hid it for later use."
It was smart. But such a waste.
Yet another member of her dwindling family gone.
Zari moved away, realizing that Endolynn needed space. But Jocelynn remained, either guarding Endolynn vigilantly or trying to bring her comfort, the queen did not know which.
"Atheena," Endolynn choked back her sobs, reaching a hand to brush back the silky black hair from her face, "What am I ever going to tell Elspeth?"
Jocelynn, still not saying a word, bent down and closed Atheena's eyelids gently. Endolynn tried to force a smile in thanks, but was unsuccessful.
"I will be right over there," Jocelynn said soothingly, gesturing to the middle of the room where the other princesses were standing by.
Endolynn did not even bother to nod. Her body suddenly felt so numb. Even her back no longer seemed to be on fire.

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