Chapter 38

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Leoford was not merciful with his wrath in the days following Maajida's escape. For the most part, it was Endolynn that he took his anger out on. It was her that the guards came to retrieve most nights to bring to Leoford's personal chambers. She let them lead her away with a brave front so that the other women would not be as scared.

But, it was futile. They all knew first-hand what Leoford was capable of. What he had already put them all through. Endolynn knew she was not fooling her friends, but she still would not give in to Leoford's fear.

Her friends.

It shocked her when she first used the word in her head to refer to her cellmates.

How had it come to be that those she had no connections with, and one who had been her true enemy, had become her friends?

But the more Endolynn mulled it over in her head while she blocked out her reality, the more it was solidified for her.

Yes, they were friends. Even Jocelynn, who had put her through some of the worst moments of her life when they had lived in Tarkam palace at the same time, was dear to her heart now. A trusted companion, someone Endolynn could rely on. Even someone she would be willing to die to protect.

Somehow, the realization that she was among not just fellow women sharing her bleak reality, but true friends, was a comfort. But it also made their situation more desperate.

They needed to get out of this place. They needed to be safe. But every day that went by without an attack on the castle, Endolynn felt more and more hopeless. Had Maajida made it to safety? Had she been able to alert Dastrehan?

Endolynn pushed against the hopelessness of their situation, but she was losing that battle a little bit with every day that passed.


Endolynn quickly lost track of the days after their prison break. They felt long and endless, especially the nights that she was brought to Leoford. None of the women were brought out to join Leoford in court anymore, which was both a relief and a concern. They had been fed more when they had joined him in court, not to mention the baths and pampering. But even food and bathing were not worth the torturous hours they had had to spend sitting beside- or sometimes on- Leoford.

Their once beautiful garments had not only been roughed-up during their fight to get Maajida out, but were long past being dirty now.

At least their food rations had not been changed. They still received the same amount of food and water that they had before their escape, so it was apparent that Leoford was not trying to kill them.
All of the women took smaller portions to make sure Jocelynn had what she needed, which meant that the other three were not getting near what they needed to nourish their bodies. But it was an unspoken agreement that they would not allow Jocelynn nor her child to suffer because of their own needs.

Jocelynn's condition was another thing to add to the immense list of worries weighing down Endolynn's mind.

Leoford had not mentioned anything to any of them about Jocelynn's condition. Obviously, he had been aware, but never spoke to Jocelynn about it.

Was he even aware that her time was coming due? Endolynn could not even entertain the unsettling idea that Jocelynn might be forced to birth her baby in their current living conditions.
None of the other women had any training to assist with birth. They had no clean water, except the pathetic amount they were provided to drink every day. Even if they were able to store it somehow to save it, they would all die of dehydration, and the water would spoil long before it was needed.
No, Jocelynn having her baby in this castle was not an option, even if Leoford had made plans to move her. Surely if it were the case that Leoford had any interest, he would be taking the baby after it was born.
Jocelynn was broken enough; she would never endure such a loss.
The only option was to get out of the castle before Jocelynn delivered. With every passing day, rescue became less and less likely, and their situation more and more dire. If no one was coming, they would have to escape.

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