Chapter 5

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Prince Jatova's convoy arrived three days before Endolynn's coronation. Though she wanted nothing more than to hide from him, Endolynn forced herself to join Zaiden, Rose, and the twins in welcoming him in the courtyard.
Endolynn placed herself next to Elspeth, who was glowing. She wore a beautiful emerald dress, and her hair was decorated with gold beads. Atheena, however, put in little effort beyond a pretty baby blue gown. Her hair was left straight and plain, and she had a hallow look in her eyes.
Endolynn could not help herself from worrying about her. Something was wrong, and she was not sure if it was something other than the deaths of her family members.
Rose had regained her health and strength, and stood confidently beside Zaiden on the opposite side of the twins from Endolynn. Rose had flourished in her new position as Zaiden's betrothed, much more so than Endolynn had in a similar situation with herself and Dastrehan the year before. She was happy for them both, especially since Zaiden had agreed to let Rose continue with her trade as a healer. The young woman was incredibly gifted, and Endolynn knew that she would have been torn apart if she had to choose between Zaiden and being a healer.
Trumpets sounded as Prince Jatova's group entered the courtyard via the sky tunnels, the giant lifts that brought platforms big enough to hold a carriage and its horses up from underneath the mountains.

Endolynn forced her nerves away, refusing to let her tense history with Jatova break her confidence.
Prince Jatova was standing on the platform of one of the lifts in front of his personal guards.

"Announcing: Prince Jatova of Arkala, third son of King Chalon the Great."

A guard announced.

When the prince stepped off the platform and started towards the welcoming party, he looked directly at Endolynn.
She kept his gaze, unwilling to fold. He kept his dark eyes locked on her face the entire time he walked towards them. He looked exactly the same as he had the last time she had seen him; skin dark as coal, tall, muscular. Hair shaved very short.
"Your Highnesses," he said, stopping before them to bow deeply. Though he was being respectful, his bow was stiff, conveying his own discomfort with the situation.

"Jatova," Zaiden said grinning, and stepped forward. The two of them locked their right arms in a familiar Arkalan greeting.
"You are not dead after all," Prince Jatova's deep voice sounded amused, and Zaiden chuckled at the remark, "It takes a lot to kill me."

The two young men stood for a few moments taking each other in. Endolynn kept forgetting that they had not seen each other since they were children.
"This is my wife-to-be," Zaiden said proudly, turning to introduce Rose.
"It is nice to meet you, Your Grace," Rose curtsied quickly, and Jatova reached for her hand, pressing a quick kiss against it.
"I hope it works out for you," Jatova said kindly to Zaiden before turning eyes towards Endolynn, "In my experience, betrothals with Balearian royals do not always...go through as planned."
Endolynn stopped herself from narrowing her eyes at Jatova's low blow. He was egging her on, and she knew it.
"You remember my cousins," Endolynn said sweetly, giving the visiting prince a smile that he knew was fake. She gestured to the twins. "Princess Elspeth and Princess Atheena."

"Of course," Jatova took his time kissing a hand of both princesses. "Lovely to see you again."
Endolynn waited patiently for him to finish. When he turned his attention to her, his expression hardened. She was grateful that he made no moves to kiss her hand. Even though it meant he was being disrespectful to her, she cared not.
"Princess Elspeth will show you to where you are staying," Endolynn's tone held cool notes, and she tried not to let her irritation show, "Enjoy your stay."
Prince Jatova opened his mouth as if he were going to say something, but Endolynn turned and walked away, thoroughly done with the interaction.


Endolynn avoided the visiting prince for the rest of the day, even skipping out on the evening meal. She knew her advisors would have something to say about that, especially Lord Rankin, but she could not bring herself to care.

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