Chapter 10

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Endolynn was not sure why she was so anxious about Zaiden and Dastrehan fighting. There were rules to follow, and they would have non-lethal weapons to make sure they were not seriously harmed.
However, accidents happened. It was not impossible to kill someone with a staff or short rods.

Endolynn wished she could escape to her chambers, but she knew that there was no excuse that would let her avoid witnessing this fight.

Both men picked dull swords. Rohesia stood by while they weighed the practice swords, getting used to the weight of them in their hands.
Despite how nervous Endolynn was, Rohesia looked completely at ease.

Zaiden and Dastrehan took up spots ten strides apart while Rohesia called out the rules. Zaiden knew them by heart, but Dastrehan had never partaken in a Balearian combat for sport. Endolynn could tell he was listening carefully to the rules.
At least they have respect for one another, Endolynn thought to herself. She knew Zaiden admired Dastrehan and would play fair.

The only fighting Endolynn had witnessed from Dastrehan had been during a real battle, and it had been fierce. She hoped beyond hope that he would not unleash such devastation on her younger brother.

And that he would not take out any anger he held towards her on Zaiden.
"On guard?" Rohesia yelled, and Endolynn flinched despite knowing the call was going to come.
"On guard!" Both men said back.
The room was silent as the two of them sized each other up. Slowly, they came closer to each other, swords drawn and shields up. Then, they started to circle each other.
Zaiden lost his patience first and stepped forward to attacked Dastrehan. The young king easily blocked and did not even bother to strike back.
The same thing happened multiple times, until Zaiden became even more impatient. He struck at Dastrehan several times in a row, but each strike was blocked or dodged.
Finally, Zaiden got one good hit in, surprising everyone watching. When his sword hit Dastrehan's shield, Dastrehan stumbled. Zaiden hesitated for a moment, and Endolynn knew right then that her brother had been played.
Dastrehan charged and hit the side of Zaiden's right leg, causing him to buckle for a moment. From then on, the fight was intense. They took turns striking blows and blocking, and those watching livened up. Soon, people were chanting and cheering for specific sides, egging both men on.
Endolynn sat back in her chair, exasperated. She wanted for it to end, but that did not seem like it would happen soon unless she ordered it. And to do such a thing would not go over well with anyone. Especially her brother.
Zaiden got Dastrehan in the gut with the butt of his sword and his hand. Dastrehan grunted and stumbled back a few steps but shook it off quickly. After Zaiden blocked him a few times, he got Zaiden in the jaw with this elbow. The young prince stepped back a few faces and wiped the side of his face against his right shoulder. He grinned when blood came away from his face.
"Come on," Zaiden called to Dastrehan, flashing him a grin, "Is that all you have got for me?"
Dastrehan grinned back with a shake of his head.
Metal clashed again, and Endolynn allowed herself to look away for a few minutes. Either they were too well matched in skill, or Dastrehan was holding out. She had a suspicion that Dastrehan was enjoying the distraction but did not want to upset Princess Maajida by going all out.

"Can you bring me some water?" Endolynn asked a servant who came to her when she made a motion.
The servant immediately went to retrieve a pitcher to refill Endolynn's cup.

A loud cheer went through the room, and Endolynn looked up to see that Zaiden had landed another hit to Dastrehan's gut.

After than, Dastrehan came back harder.
Now, Zaiden was on the defense. Cheers went through the room, some cheering on the young king, and others cheering the prince to fight back harder. Eventually, Dastrehan let up a little and Zaiden started attacking harder.
Endolynn's cup was refilled, and she gratefully reached for it, thankful to have something to distract her even a little.

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