Chapter 44

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The winter air threatened to chill Endolynn to the bone as it blew under her armor and through her chainmail. Her gold-plated armor gleamed in the sunlight as she inspected it from atop her mount, preparing to ride the sky tunnels to the bottom of the mountain.

Despite the tall order, Rohesia had managed to rally a significant portion of the Balearian Army in the nearby area within the 24 hours that Endolynn had given her.

500 soldiers, men and women, awaited their queen at the Balearian-Tarkam border, prepared to ride hard to Leoford's castle.

With any luck, Leoford would not be expecting an attack, let alone so soon. Rohesia and Dastrehan had figured 500 soldiers would be more than enough to overwhelm Leoford's troops. Taking more would have assured victory, but left High Cloud Palace vulnerable to attack.

Dastrehan moved his horse next to Endolynn, brushing his leg against hers.
Endolynn gave him a small smile before letting her eyes travel his form, inspecting his silver-coated armor that a servant had found in storage and adjusted to fit him. It did not hold a candle to his regular armor that was back in Tarkam Palace, but it would do. It was sturdy and fit him well, which meant it would provide the protection it needed to.
Endolynn reached a hand out towards Dastrehan, and he clasped it immediately, giving it a tight squeeze.
No words were needed. Their attack was simple. In and out. Kill Leoford. Return to Balear.
Rohesia and Sir Willem had not reacted well when they discovered that both the queen and king would be riding with the army. There had been arguments that Endolynn was too weak. That letting them both go meant risking the leaders of not only one but two kingdoms.

But the queen and king had stood their ground. They would do this together, as a united front.

And they would face the consequences together.

Zari and Jia Zhen had insisted on coming with Endolynn when they heard of her plan. It took over an hour for the queen to convince them to stay behind with Jocelynn, who was in no shape to be left alone. Leaving her alone so soon without her friends and safe people might permanently break her. If she was not already.

Endolynn and Dastrehan guided their mounts onto the platform of one of the sky tunnels in a comfortable silence. They had said what they needed to with each other in private a few hours before. Now, they were focused on the objective ahead.
Endolynn was too distracted by her own thoughts to appreciate and enjoy the ride down to the base of the mountain as she usually would. It was as if she blinked and her horse was stepping off the lift again, propelling her forward to the nearest exiting tunnel.
The king and queen emerged from the tunnel at the base of the mountain, and the clearing that usually made a big open space was packed with soldiers on horseback waiting for them.

Cheers went up from the troops, and they parted in the middle for Endolynn and Dastrehan to move to the center of the group. Sir Willem and Rohesia followed behind them, and the troops closed their ranks to encircle the leaders.

When they stopped, Endolynn raised a hand to signal the soldiers to quiet down. They did, and the silence that hovered in the air while they waited for her to speak was charged with an energy that Endolynn had not felt since she had been leading her army against Royce.

"You all know our mission," she called into the frozen air, breathing coming out in foggy puffs, "Catesh is not our target. Leoford is. Touch no one who surrenders except to disarm them."

Helmeted heads nodded; horses stomped their feet.
"For Prince Zaiden!" Dastrehan raised the sword he had unsheathed while his wife was speaking, and a roar went up from the troops, echoing the king's shout.
Endolynn looked over those chanting for Zaiden, feeling their chants stoke her energy and resolve.
Together, they would make sure Leoford paid.
Endolynn looked to her husband and raised her own sword.

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