Chapter 19

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Endolynn had composed herself by the time that she and Dastrehan reached her chambers, but she readily lay down on the sofa and closed her eyes.
Dastrehan was already pacing between her sofa and the wall it faced as her eyes closed.
"I apologize for leaving so abruptly," Endolynn said, speaking for the first time since he had followed her out of the meeting, "I needed air, and then everything hit me at once."
Dastrehan stopped pacing and she was pretty sure he was giving her an exasperated look.
"You have nothing to apologize for. It was perfect timing. I was trying to figure out how to get you out of there myself."
Endolynn snorted softly in response, "I should have been able to stand my ground for longer."
"You did," Dastrehan assured her firmly, "No one else would have done any better under those circumstances."

Endolynn forced a smile to thank him, but her eyes were still closed.
"Do you think they are right?" she asked, forcing out the words she had been mulling over in her head while they had walked through the palace.

"About what?" Dastrehan asked, still pacing. Endolynn opened her eyes and struggled to sit up.

He moved to help her, but she waved him away.
"They think we made a mistake."
Dastrehan sat down beside her on the sofa. His hand went to her face, and he lifted her chin gently with his fingers so that she was looking up at him.
"No," his voice was strong, and she could tell he completely believed what he was saying, "We made the right decision. It will not be easy at first, but we will manage."
Endolynn pressed her lips into a line and nodded.

Dastrehan leaned closer and brushed a kiss against her lips, and she completely forgot her present worries as she surrendered to it.
Voices came through the open doors of Endolynn's balcony from the courtyard.
Reluctantly, Endolynn pulled away.
"Princess Maajida is preparing to leave," she said regretfully as she stood, "I need to go see her off."
Dastrehan sighed and stood as well, placing a hand against Endolynn's lower back, "I will join you."
Endolynn nodded and swallowed, dreading the interaction she knew she could not avoid. If she did not see the princess off, Endolynn's advisors would have her head for her poor manners.

They were already upset enough with her.


The courtyard was busy when Endolynn and Dastrehan came down the main steps of the palace. Ezan followed behind them a few strides, more guards behind him. Now, the guard presence was larger, as Dastrehan's guards had joined Endolynn's.

The queen wished to send them all away, but she knew that would be unwise and Dastrehan would never hear of it. His eagerness to protect her was even greater than Zaiden's, much to Endolynn's irritation.
But she was also grateful.
Rohan lifted his chin when he looked up and saw them coming towards them.
A significant portion of Dastrehan's guards were leaving with Rohan, as well as all of Princess Maajida's guards. It was a small force, and Endolynn took comfort in the fact that they would be safe while traveling to Joresh.
The princess had not seen them yet. She was busy talking to one of her servants further down the courtyard.
"I see the meeting did not go very long after we left," Dastrehan remarked, coming up to Rohan.
Rohan frowned as he checked his mount's saddle and secured his bags.
"Prince Zaiden tried to keep things civil as long as he could."
Endolynn knew that meant things had not gone well. But she was not surprised. She had expected that their advisers would be at each other's throats as soon as they left, throwing accusations, and blaming one another.

"I am sorry you had to deal with that," Endolynn said to Rohan. Everything felt so out of control.

Rohan turned to her and gave her a small smile that let her know he was more concerned about her than anything else.
"You will get through it. One step at a time."

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