Chapter 16

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Due to his concern for her current predicament, Endolynn was not able to convince her brother to go on a trip with his new bride after their wedding. They would all be heading to the summer palace for a few months soon, and he planned to take Princess Rose to Seaview Castle then.

So, it was of no surprise to Endolynn when she found Zaiden out in the gardens with not just Rose, but others as well. At least she could take comfort in the fact that he was not hovering over those overseeing the investigation of the smoldering ruins.
Zaiden motioned eagerly for her to join them as soon as he saw her. He was sitting at a table with Rose and a few other, playing some sort of game.
She moved towards him, coming to a stop standing beside him.
"I am winning," Zaiden said confidently as he looked up at his sister with a sly grin.
"Barely," Rose reminded him teasingly, "I am not far behind."

Zaiden snorted, indicating he was not worried. Endolynn smiled to herself at their happy moods.
"How is Elspeth?" Rose asked as she rolled her dice, "I tried to check on her this morning, but she would not come out of her chamber."
"The same," Endolynn admitted sadly, "I suppose we will not see a glimpse of her until we know what has happened to Atheena."

"Depending on what did happen to her, we might not see Elspeth even then," Zaiden mumbled as he studied the dice before him and scribbled something down on a small parchment in front of him.

Endolynn nodded grimly; she had already come to the same conclusion.
"Can we speak later?" she asked, needing to change the subject.
"Yes, of course," Zaiden said as he shook and then tossed his dice, "I have almost won. We can take a walk after."
Endolynn rolled her eyes at her brother's arrogance. Though she knew he would indeed win.
"It does not need to be immediate."
Zaiden cheered as Rose and the two other players groaned in unison.
"See?" Zaiden stood, giving Rose his best grin, "I told you."
Rose gave her new husband a cool look before flipping her light brown hair over a shoulder and walking past him slowly.
"There is plenty that I can best you at, dear husband. Do not forget that."
Zaiden cast an intrigued look on her as she passed him and walked away.
"I have not been married a day, and she is already a handful," Zaiden shook his head as he grinned at his sister, "Thank the heavens she is not as ill-tempered as you are."

Endolynn knew he was teasing her, but she was not going to quite let that one go.

She did a fake pout and punched him softly in the arm in response.

Zaiden laughed and rubbed his arm before offering it to her.
"Let us go."
Reluctant to indulge him, Endolynn took his arm and let him lead her away towards less populated gardens.

Still, people were around them.

"I heard you spoke with Destrehan," Endolynn said quietly so that no one would hear her. Zaiden gave her a quick glance to gauge her expression.
"I did," he said, sounding a little uneasy, "I suppose that means that you spoke with him yourself?"

Endolynn nodded, smiling at people they passed who looked at them.
"And?" Zaiden prodded when she did not speak any more.
"And..." Endolynn started but stopped when she realized she was not sure what she should say. There were too many ears around them, and although they were speaking quietly, she was nervous someone would overhear them.

Zaiden must have sensed her uneasiness, because he turned them in a direction that would take them to a private garden.

The very same one she had found herself kissing Tarkam's young king in the day before.
As they entered the deserted garden, Endolynn felt guilt build up in her chest and mind.

She let go of her brother's arm and moved towards the stone bench while Zaiden closed the gate behind them.

Sitting down, she tried to focus all her attention to ignoring the guilt.
Zaiden crossed in front of her and crossed his arms, waiting patiently for her to speak. Endolynn knew he could not read her thoughts, but she felt incredibly vulnerable anyhow. She wished she had asked him to take them somewhere else to talk.
She almost suggested they move, but she knew the guilt had already taken root in her; it would not be leaving anytime soon.
"He said you gave him an idea," she said, finally looking her brother in the eye, "but I have a hard time believing that you would come up with such an absurd idea."

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