Chapter 33

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Leoford let Atheena stew for three days before summoning any of the women in his so-called collection. When guards showed up at their barred door with no buckets in hand after over a week of silently delivering food and nothing more, all of the women were shocked.

"Get in line," a stone-faced man ordered harshly through the bars, spurring the women to frantically rouse themselves and move into a line.
None of them had expected to be going to the bathing chamber; they had easily fallen into the habit of staying in their beds when the guards came in to deposit the food and water buckets on the floor.
Endolynn almost felt exhilarated from the relief that she would soon be able to bathe, but the grim knowledge that something would be expected of them after kept her spirits low.
Without speaking, Princess Jia Zhen took up the space behind Endolynn and in front of Jocelynn. Atheena took up the end position, releasing her scalding glare on the guards as best she could.
The bathing went by mostly silently, aside from the initial outrage from Atheena and Jia Zhen on having to strip down and bathe in front of everyone.
Endolynn was slightly impressed; Atheena held out longer than she herself had. Her cousin had a strong spirit; that much was certain.
As the maid working on Endolynn brushing out her knotted hair, the queen's mind wandered to Leoford. She had not seen him since she had attacked him to keep him off of her. What kind of mood would be he in that day? Surely if they were being cleaned up, they would be expected to spend the day with him.

Her heart raced at the thought of seeing him again. If she could get the chance to kill him without risking the safety of her fellow trophies, she would. But Leoford was too well watched, too powerful, to let his guard down. Surely any act of aggression would be swiftly handled. It was surprising enough that their only punishment so far had been the restricted food and water, and no bathing for so many days. After what Endolynn had done to him, how she had humiliated him, she had prepared for much worse.
But perhaps he was not finished yet.
The thought made her heart skip a beat. She gave her head a quick shake as she sought something else to occupy her mind with, triggering the maid working on her hair to huff in irritation.
"Hold still."
Endolynn almost laughed at the audacity of the maid to order a queen in such a way, but remembered that here, she was not a queen. Despite the pampering she was now receiving, she was a prisoner. Everything being done to her was for Leoford's entertainment.

That thought made her want to rip her hair from the maid's grasp. But such a move would only make the maid more cross and would have no impact on the one person Endolynn wanted to annoy.
Endolynn closed her eyes as her head leaned back on the edge of the tub, soaking up the warm water as it relaxed her aching body. The best she could do for herself was to enjoy the brief pleasures of the bath, and put Leoford as far from her mind as she could.
For now.


A chill of cold frosted Endolynn's blood as the line of royal women entered the large hall where Leoford held court. The eyes of the guards lining either side of the room felt like glass slicing away at Endolynn's nerves. Behind her, she knew Jia Zhen was trembling so hard that her teeth were trembling. She resisted the urge to reach behind herself to grasp the woman's hand. Doing so would only draw Leoford's attention more.
"Ah, my ladies!" Leoford called to them from his throne, his voice boasting his usual confidence. They kept walking as he gestured for them all to join him up on the raised stage. It did not surprise Endolynn at all that there were five smaller thrones set up to his left and right; obviously he intended for one of them to sit on his lap again.
For humiliation? For his own sick pleasure?

Endolynn was not sure if she wished it were herself or one of the other women who would have to endure it.
Sitting on his lap that first time had been awful enough to last a lifetime. But if she sat with him, the other women would be spared. That thought was enough that she knew she would be able to endure it.

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