Chapter 42

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Friends, thank you for your patience. I am immensely sorry for the delay. I am in a busy, challenging phase of life. However, I am hoping to have multiple updates in the next few weeks and to wrap up this book shorty so I can start work on the next one (4th in the series, but new main character - any guesses/suggestions?). As always, your support through views, stars, and comments is so welcomed and amazing. 


Rose's sobs and shrieks reached Endolynn's ears long before she arrived at the princess's chambers. When she entered the chambers and moved to the bedroom, everything was in chaos. Healers were shouting at each other to be heard over Rose's volume, looking frantic and unsure of what to do.
Even Warrick, who Endolynn had rarely seen shaken, seemed at a loss for what to do. It was to him Endolynn moved towards, and the man's eyes locked on to the queen almost instantly, a small amount of relief softening his face.

Without any formalities, he reached for her hand, pulling her to the side of the bed chamber.
"It is not good," he updated before being asked, "We have not been able to calm her. Her distressed has sent her into labor, and if she does not calm down, I fear she will lose the baby."
Endolynn closed her eyes and took a steadying breath while she took in Warrick's works.

This was bad. Rose had already lost too much. How could she survive if she lost her husband and her child?

When Endolynn felt as steady as she could manage, she looked over to Rose, who was shoving healers away from her as she stood leaning against a bed post, crying hysterically.
"How can I help?" the queen asked, feeling woefully inadequate to be of any kind of assistance but willing to try anything.
"Talk to her," Warrick said, his voice betraying how scared he was for the princess, "I do not care what you have to say to her. If she wants her baby to survive, and not lose her own life, she needs to stop."

Endolynn left out a long breath, overwhelmed with the seemingly impossible task and ridiculously high stakes.

Losing Zaiden was already too much; losing Rose would surely break her.

"Can you not give her medicines to calm? How many times have you done so for me?"

If Warrick had not been so stressed, he likely would have cut Endolynn one of his cool glares, queen or not. But instead, he just shook his head in an erratic motion, reminding Endolynn of how distressed he was, and how dire the situation was if even Warrick was shaken.

"Anything I can give her will harm the child, or stop her body from being able to deliver."

Endolynn watched Rose start to walk, then stop again as another contraction overtook her.
"I will not lie to her," she whispered more to herself than to Warrick, but he heard her anyway.
"That is not my concern," Warrick quipped, "If you want her child to survive, you might very well have to lie to her. Deal with the consequences later."
Endolynn swallowed away her discomfort, knowing Warrick was right. This child was all of Zaiden that they would have now. It had to survive. Rose had to survive. She owed it to her brother to take care of his family now.

Without saying any more, Endolynn moved away from Warrick and towards Rose, waving for the healers to move away.
"Rose," Endolynn said softly as she stopped close by.

The princess barely noticed her sister-in-law's presence. Her hands were over her face, muffling her sobs.

Knowing that there was no time for caution, Endolynn placed a hand on Rose's shoulder, making a soft shushing sound. Rose tried to shrug her off, but Endolynn kept her grip, determined to be heard.
"You cannot fall apart now," Endolynn said firmly, hating herself for the harsh words that were necessary, "You are hurting the baby."

A Queen Conflicted (Alys Book #3)Where stories live. Discover now