Chapter 51

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So I'm kind of sleep deprived at the moment but my brain decided, "Hey outcaster! Hey, you! Yay you, the person I'm in! I feel like writing!"

But then I said, "But I'm sleepy can we do it later? Ple-" The bitch decided to cut me off.

And she just had to say, "Nooo, I said get the fuck up and write. And just because you gave me attitude, I'm going to make you rethink all the shit that's happened. That's right, you're going to be up, thinking, all. night. long."

Oh come on! I was so close to sleeping and then the little bastard decided to be mean. What the hell, my brain just cussed me out! What the fuck is going on!?!

Does anyone else have those nights when you're just about to fall alseep and then out of no where your mind goes, hey, remember that thing you did? Yeah, that thing. And it decideds to tell and remind you about shit right when you're about to sleep. Or am I the only one with the bitchy brain? OHHH, THAT RHYMES!

I can tell I really need sleep, I just argued with my brain. I think I'll take that punishment and rethink life real quick...

Jk jk, but seriously, fuck this, I'm tired, I'll be back tomorrow.



Alright I'm back, yes it's me. I know, it's amazing I remembered where I stopped on this.

So some things have happened. It's been proven that a certian girl at my school is a hoe.

Ok so, I don't like the word hoe or whore not even slut, because to be honest, a persob could just be really fine and have the ability to get some, a lot.

But people just happen to label the wrong people with that tittle. For example:

Miley Cyrus is considered a slut and blah blah blah. All she did was twerk. She was engaged for what? 4 years (I'm probably wrong bht it was some series of years). She stayed with hkm and the loyalty was in check.

On the other hand, Taylor Swift. It might be because of her whole good girl look that makes a lot of people blind, but really you guys? Really?

Tell me, how many guys has she dated in the past, oh I don't know, 8 years? Don't you dare use google. Now your answer? Oh, what I didn't hear you right. Yeah, you can't tell me now can you?

But I can't label her either, because it's not like she dated any at the same time, at least that I know of...

But yeah back to the point, I have a friend and she liked this guy. Now this friend, her bestie is known for dating a whole buncb of guys and trying to do to many things with them.

No seriously, she dated a 10th grader (he was cute too, but still) for 3 1/2 months, while having 2 friends with benefits. It was funny how they broke up though, still kind of sad. He said he broke up with her because her pussy was to hairy.

I'm sorry I busted out laughing, that's what she gets, she should have known better than to show him that shit. Plus honey I know you know what a razor is and I know you know what scissors are.

But back to the point again. So my friend liked this guy. And it just so happens that her friend decided that she was going to kiss her "bae" that day, and she told my friend. My friend asked who her bay was, and guess what! It was her crush. Poor baby was crying all day Friday.

To make it worse her ex best friend told her about how it went and how they were all up on each other. What kind of friend does that!?! I don't know why the guys continously flock to her either.

She's not even that hot. Seriously, no curve, well maybe a little ant hill for your "boobs". But no ass, no hips, not even thighs, and your face. Baby girl your face. Somebody get this girl some claritin clear, lord jesus!

Plus her personality kind of sucks too. I tried to be nice and defend you at the beginning but you don't seem to give a fuck. I mean the girls life goal is to have a baby at 14, swear she said it straight up. I just, like what? What about our crappy teenage years, and our early twenties parting and work and work time. Nobody has time for a baby, what's wrong with you?

I wasn't going to ever call her this. I wasn't going to label. Because we're all individuals, right? And we have the rights to do things, though they may bring consequences.

I'll even say the old saying, that my grandma told me when she wasn't that sick or dead. I'll quote her actually, "Baby, you can be whatever you want to be. Be the best at what you do. Just know what you are. You can be a hooker, be the best hooker there is, suck as many d- nevermind you're too young to know that. But know what you are baby, don't get mad at nobody if they call you this and that or if you get in a mess because of it. Because that's what you chose to be."

Got to love grandma, I know what the rest of that sentence was now. But back to what I was saying. I wasn't going to label her a slut, or a whore, or whatever it is. But she is a back stabber, she is a bitch, she is two faced, she is lazy, she is a cheater, and she is a used tool. If you get what I mean.

Just like how I'm lazy, I am a bitch too, I am weird, and I have a bad temper.

But the difference is that I'll face those things. I'll take it because I know it, hell I'm proud of it. But if you go up to her and say that she'll deny it. She'll deny that she's a coward, she'll deny that she's fake, she'll deny all the shit that she is. But then again she's not accepting herself.

She probably has problems at home. She probably has issues. This is why I'm not big on judging people, before I knowbthe whole story, which I don't. But she still wasn't right to do that to her best friend.

I guess where I'm going with this is, that we shouldn't try to label people on things. But we shouldn't deny what we are either.

I mean sure, you don't have to say it, but if someone walks up to you and ask or says it and we know it's true, we shouldn't deny it nor should we get upset.

Hell, if someone were to ask if I was straight I would say no. A girl last week asked me what I was. She asked if I was straight, I said no, if I was gay, no, I didn't like either, I said no. But she just smiled and said you're bi. I just nodded and went on with my business.

Wow, this went in a complete different direction than I thought it would. But you guys, be yourselves. Accept and know who and what you are. Being fake will only lead to the truth being shown later. Nobody will love that, they'll love the original and only you. Just like how I love you guys, I just hope the feelings mutual.

Stay you're lovely selves,


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