Chapter 16

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I guess my life is just deciding to go on a crappy roller coaster because I'm yet again pissed the fuck off :)

For starters we had a writing test today (not really complaining there) but it lasted for 2 hours in the early fucking morning. I'm talking about first period type of shit.

So I'm trying to go to sleep after I finish my essay right? But as soon AS SOON as my eyes closed and I felt the comfort of sleep a mother fucking cholo-I mean our wonderful, what the hell I'm not this nice let's restart. As soon as I was about to go to sleep our bitch ass Social Studies teacher slapped the desk and said you can't go to sleep. Mother fucker you don't tell me if I can't go to sleep, I fucking go to sleep when my eyes say close and my brain says off.

So then after having a whole battle of letting me sleep, I won incase you were wondering :) I went on with my day. Then when it was time for theatre,  my favorite class, it turns out that our awesome teacher Mrs.B wasn't there.

Instead we got this ugly fat ass demon. Old wrinkly no life having cranky dick face who can't learn to be nice ball sack bitch substitute. That felt really good to get out.

The fu-lady that was substituting for our class was just evil. She thought everything that we did was disrespectful.

At the beginning of class we were doing our usual thing of walking around and talking wait for the teacher to come and take our seats. Then miss whale or as she says Mrs. Yates (tell me how it's possible she's married?) Comes in screaming at us for being disruptive when she was 2 minutes late to class herself.

Then she gave us our assignment to write about our childhood memories. People would raise their hands to ask questions and she would be rude and say is what you're asking really important enough to disrupt me? Bitch you stopped talking 3 minutes ago.

Then this one girl in our class was having a stomach ache (cramps) and she asked to go to the nurse but Mrs. Yates decided to say no and that she should have asked in her last class to go, but she had gym and they let her out late so she couldn't get a slip then. The poor girl had to wait half of our class to go to the nurse.

Now back to our assignment. There's this one kid named Chris. He's kind of fat (he knows this and embraces it), he's misunderstood a lot, but he's a cool kid. Chris didn't grow ip with the best childhood, hell the kids moms in jail he doesn't know who his daddy is except for the fact that he's dead, he lives with his abusive aunt, and he's seen shit no should see. That might be why we get along...anyways!

He asked our substitute what he should write about because he didn't have any good ones. She started to get all up in his face about how to not tey to be smart with her and get out of the work.

By the end of class the poor kid was shaking with anger and he was crying a little, broke my heart. I had went to the bathroom for thw first time in theatre ever, I couldn't be by or in the same room as her that much longer. Four other kids were crying and the bitch dismissed us late.

On top of that hell I got a 50 on some classwork in math when I clearly missed one out of six, I should have got an 83% someone needs to go back to school. Nkw my parents are freaking out over it because my grades an 88 now, they need to calm down because I got this I can make-up the work if only they would listen god damn it!

I'm just going to sit in this corner over here and let my eyes sweat. What do you mean? No I'm not crying, my emotions are just touching my cheeks after such a long time, I'm not crying...

But yeah that was how my day went, how was yours? Anyways, comment, vote, and follow me!

Farewell fuckers,

~ outcaster =p

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