Chapter 56

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So i just got done eating dinner and guess WHAAAAAAT!!!!!!!!

I stubbed my toe.

It wasn't my pinkie toe but it was the one right next to it...and i think i almost died.

I know i know. Stop being so dramatic, right!? Well I'm not. My life literally flashed before my eyes.

Ok, maybe it wasn't that bad. But i felt my spirit shrivel up inside me, moving from the tip of my toe, going up my leg, through my abdomin, and trying it's best too hide for dear life in my heart.

Which isn't a good spot to hide because that place is already dark and filled with scary things.

To be honest the only thing that's worse than this without peircing skin, and that's hitting your goddamn side on the edge of a table...or being punched in the middle of the chest, where your heart is (you can die).

But now we're playing the game of life...this is so crappy. I don't even want to type about it.

Oh i don't remeber if i already told you but I'm not in that camp...NO MORE ROOMATEEEEEEE!!!!

But moving on from that...i need to go because you know, i got a game of life to play. (take that as literal or metaphorical

Ya ya, love you too

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