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I love you are my best are my love also...i loved you..i still love you ...will always love you...

I know Dheeraj is my best and childhood friend... I love her...i want her as my future....yes I love you niharika...


I don't know what do I do? Ashish is saying that he loves me and that dumbo racoon raj wasn't saying anything...
he should tell me na what I should reply... afterall it's his childhood friend.....what to do...i don't know...


Niharika Dhawan( Nikku) aka Sonu( a sweet, smart, extrovert girl

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Niharika Dhawan( Nikku) aka Sonu
( a sweet, smart, extrovert girl....only daughter of niteesh and Sangeetha... everybody will fall in love with her down to earth attitude and her friend of Dheeraj, Darshan and cousin sister of bhavini...finished studies and helping her father in their family business...she is Nikku for others and Sonu for Dheeraj...)

Dheeraj Singhania aka raj( a handsome,hot , extrovert guy which every girl fall in love with him in instance

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Dheeraj Singhania aka raj
( a handsome,hot , extrovert guy which every girl fall in love with him in instance...but his heart always beated for his Sonu ....he is also a man whom every girl wish to make him as husband,every woman wish to make him as son or brother...he takes care of his family business ,Singhania industries at pune...)

Ashish Verma( a cute sweet guy

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Ashish Verma
( a cute sweet guy... childhood best friend of Dheeraj... madly loves niharika...he wanted her as his future wife at any cost... studied in same college with Dheeraj and niharika.. doing his family business in his 2nd home town delhi)
               Other supporting casts..

 doing his family business in his 2nd home town delhi)                     Other supporting casts

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Darshan Singhania and Rithika darshan Singhania
(brother and sister in law of Dheeraj....handles one branch of Singhania industries in mumbai..loves their family a lot...have a daughter Hrishika... darshan considered Sonu as his own sister and called her sakhi...they loved and supported her more than  Dheeraj...)

Bhavini Dhawan aka bhavi( cousin sister of niharika

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Bhavini Dhawan aka bhavi
( cousin sister of niharika..[ father's brother's daughter]only child of her parents... she has no siblings she loves niharika as her own sister...studied in same college of nikku..she knows about Dheeraj 's love for niharika and she  supports him to win her heart.. )

Maheshwari Singhania( single mother of Darshan and Dheeraj

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Maheshwari Singhania
( single mother of Darshan and Dheeraj... manages business along with her sons ...
simple and lovely mom....loves Sonu a lot and wish to get her as daughter in law...very supportive...)

Sangeetha Dhawan( Niharika's mom

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Sangeetha Dhawan
( Niharika's mom... lovely, supportive and wish to have Dheeraj as her son in law... doesn't like Ashish..)

Niteesh Dhawan( Niharika's father

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Niteesh Dhawan
( Niharika's father...
A well known business man..very supportive.. full support for his daughter for anything she decides..)

Rest of other characters will reaveal as story progress...
So here I'm starting my new shapoo story....
Hope you all like the character sketch....
I'll soon update the chapters....
Till then

Stay happy
Stay safe 🙏

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