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6 years later,
Dheeraj is seen sitting inside his cabin in an office , deeply concentrated in his work in laptop..it's already evening.... suddenly his eyes averted from the laptop to his phone which rang....

A small smile crept on to his face seeing the name on the screen.....

" ..Sonu..had food? what happened? You alright?" He immediately shoot his questions in concern ..he didn't even bothered to say hello...

" Sonu nahi...baby hu" He immediately bit his tongue hearing the baby voice from the other side ....

A wide smile came into his face hearing his angel's voice...his angel ..his princess ... words aren't enough for him to describe his love for her ....for the first time he got confused that to whom he love more...his Sonu or his little life..if Sonu is his life, then his little one is his soul..if she is heart,then his little one is his heart beat...
She is the symbol of their love and fruit of their longings...the perfect combo of him and his Sonu .. their daughter... Deekshita aka isha..

Five years before,Dheeraj's felt like God was saving all the happiness till then, to gave to him all together,when he first heard that words from his Sonu on the day of aham and bhavini's marriage that he is going to be a father...
His happiness had no bounds and he was like in a dream land for the next nine months ....
And on the date, when he first received his little happiness in his hands...he felt complete and was like God heard his prayers,he got a daughter just as he wished ...
now the time flew up like anything and his princess is now 5 years old....
A naughty and hyperactive one...just like him...

"Sorry baby...aur kya..batao..had your food?" He said back in same baby voice...

" Ha..baby Where are you ?" She asked....she too calls him baby as he she is too naughty and also because he calls her baby... sometimes ishu and sometimes pari....

" I'm in office baby..what happened?" He asked and this time she started to weep...

" Baby..baby...I fell down.." she said in weeping tone and niharika who was sitting beside her looked at her with widened eyes hearing her terrible lie...

" What...fell down? Kaha...kya kar rehe dhe tumhari mumma...phone do use " he said in a serious tone which isha chuckled silently and niharika frowned...

" Baby... don't scold mumma...I was playing and I fell down...dekho... blood bhi a raha hai..." She said .. niharika just covered her mouth with her hands in astonishment...and glared at her...

" Baby...come fast....I want to see you now.." isha added and he already got ready to depart...
He can't see his little angel in pain and also can't bear even a single scratch on her body....

" Ok..ok.. don't cry...baby is coming..ok?" He cut the call and immediately went out of his cabin and took his car from parking area and went out of his office...
It's almost got dark when he reached back to house....he parked the car inside car porch and surprised to the the house was all dark without any lights...
He slowly took steps inside and found the door opened..
He slowly opened the door and it was pitch dark ....he slowly took his steps inside and suddenly he heard the sound of balloon bursting....
He startled a bit and suddenly the lights switched on and confettis fell over him....he looked up and suddenly
He Heard a scream

" Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!"

He looked surprisingly to see his ishu ,who looked very well and happy too along with hrishika ,darshan and Maheshwari standing infront of him ... Widely smiling...he chuckled a bit and mumbled to himself....
"It's 26 th today? Oh ...my"

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