chapter 11

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niharika started to read the diary
and that's something which Ashish never wanted to happen....
She slowly opened the diary...
She read the first page....

( Now story contains some flashback... sentence in bold letters are flashback, normal letters are present time... and Norma italics words surrounded by "~~" is Ashish's diary)



it's not my daily diary .it's something that I'm writing for you.. exclusively for you have to read it...i know you will.. I've to say my heart out to you... I've to apologise you...I don't know whether I can say it to you face to face or not ..that's why I'm writing this....but you want to want to know me...the real me...the monster in me... forgive me my friend....for everything..for were such a good friend of trusted me..but I...I..You will be confused why I'm saying like will get the reason....

Your very own



Niharika wondered why he wanted to write a diary for dheeraj and that too exclusively.... she turned the other page...


5 th September 2015

Raj, do you remember the day? The day when I said you that I proposed niharika...yes, that day I proposed niharika ...I went to her and confessed my feelings..oh god do you know how happy I felt .. yes, I was smitten by her the very first time when I saw her and as I befriended her,my attraction towards her increased and I couldn't help myself from confessing my feelings...........


Niharika went back to the past and recollected her memories.....

Niharika was sitting all alone in the classroom.... Dheeraj was always with her but that day he went to office room as teacher called him ...

" Nikku ....if you don't mind..can we have a walk?" Ashish asked her..

" Yeah...why not...I'm free" niharika replied in a smiling face....

After reaching an empty corner of the college ground...
Ashish slowly started the conversation..

" Nikku....I want to talk something seriously " he said

" Yeah Ashish.. you're my can say anything..why this formality..." she replied..

He gave a unpleasant smile as she mentioned him friend...

" actually....I..I.." he stammered

She curiously looked into his eyes..
" Nikku...I just want to confess it to you...i don't know whether I'm right or wrong..but I want to confess...i just wanted to confess..." He said looking straight into her eyes...

Now niharika almost got what's he going to say...

" I just want to say that niharika I love you....I love you miss Niharika Dhawan..from the bottom of my heart.. don't take it as a mere's love...yes,love...I hope you can see my love through my eyes....just words aren't needed...." He completed N niharika looked at him in utter shock....
She never expected in fact she never wanted him to confess it .....

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