chapter 12

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But she got astonished seeing his personal cupboard.........
She couldn't find even a single piece of 'his personal stuffs' ...but instead she found hers ....
She found an album of photos... with them.. only others...she found her old duppatta, stole , her some old candid pictures which was obviously taken by him...even she found even wrappers of chocolates which she left after eating.....
A teary chuckle left from her mouth unknowingly...
She found almost about 10 cards ... that too valentine's cards in that cupboard...
She opened each and every card to find only one sentence..

" I love you sonu"
He eyes again become teary seeing all that....
That means, his love was so intense.....
And even it's continuing today ....
So that's why he agreed for this marriage....
Now she could understand everything....
She searched again and find his diary...
She read each and every lines in that....
She couldn't control her tears anymore and it again made their way down through her cheeks....
She kept that diary back and closed the cupboard.....
Ashish's diagnosis report was also there in that same cupboard...but she didn't saw it and the rest of the diary also remained a mystery for niharika....
She left the room like a robot... without any expressions...
But she didn't forget to take that cards which he bought for her....
Now it's almost afternoon...
She didn't ate a bit of food...
She locked herself inside the room.....

Maheshwari couldn't decipher what just happened to her daughter in law in all sudden...
She and Rithika made several attempts to make her open the door but all went in vain....
At evening, as usual Dheeraj came to find out a serious expression on both his mother and sister in law's face....
Maheshwari gave a deathly glare to her son who is standing right infront of her perplexed....

" Did you fight with her? " Maheshwari asked

Dheeraj easily understood about whom his mother was talking about...

" No maa....why should I?" He asked back

" Then why the hell she is locked herself inside the room?" Maheshwari almost yelled at her son which made him shock

" Why???" He asked back..

" Don't know raj...we called a lot but ...she didn't answer..." Rithika replied with a worried face..

" I'll try..." He replied..

He slowly went in front of his room's door and slightly knocked

" Sonu..." He called softly....

Niharika was sitting on the floor with her hands wrapped around curled up knees and her head rested on her hands....
She looked up at the door hearing his sound ...
A sudden rage came into her face...
She pursued her lips and controlled her tears..she really looked like a mess...
Her hair ..all frizzy and messy...
Her eyes were puffed and nose got blood red due to continuous crying.......

She got up from the floor and tugged her hair behind her ears..
She wiped her face and went to open the door....
She opened the door and dheeraj literally rushed into the room... closing the door behind
She sat on bed and he knelt before her....
His face flushed with scare and concern.....

" Sonu... what happened..why are you behaving like..." He stopped midway and looked on her face to see her eyes were puffy and nose red...

" were crying.. Weren't you? why? What happened Sonu..." He again asked placing his hands on her hands...

She raised her eyebrows and gave a sharp glare...
He got perplexed again...
Why is she behaving so strange?
He couldn't figure out what just happened to her...
Then suddenly he remembered something and asked her...

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