chapter 25

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"Why???" A mere whisper slipped from Niharika's Mouth.....

Bhavini went towards her and confronted her...
" I'm sorry to say this but I'm not at all feeling any gulity for my behavior....and trust me I didn't wanted to kill you ...I just wanted to snatch your happiness....I just wanted you to suffer what you did"she said ...
Her voice neither carried gulity nor was emotionless....and niharika had no idea when her naughty lovely sister turned as her own murderer....

" Bhavi...are you crazy .? " Dheeraj pulled her aside by holding her arms ..she gave a sharp glare to him and her eyes turned moist....she freed herself from his grip and continued...

" Look jiju... I'm not crazy ... I've my own reasons for this..and don't ask me about I don't want to remember it...." She said Directly looking into his eyes ...

And Dheeraj was hell angry.... usually he is not a person who got anger in sudden but once came, it's difficult to Manage....he again held her wrist tightly and asked

" Don't test my patience bhavini...tell me...why the hell you tried to kill my wife ..and how dare you?" Dheeraj yelled senselessly before everyone....

Aham clenched his fist and about to come forward.. bhavini freed her hands and pointed her finger on him..
" I dare ... because you are also a reason you both are the reason for all my sufferings..." She shouted and dheeraj was taken aback....

" Us?" He asked with a questioning gaze ....

Niharika was all silent through out these time now got angry...her blood boiled up....

" Bhavi... what's our fault now ? First you told that you wanted to snatch my happiness and now you are telling that we is reason for your sufferings...."
Niharika put her both hands in her both shoulders and shooked and continued
" Now tell me...tell me what's the matter....why you wanted us to suffer..what was our fault..." Niharika yelled at bhavini to which she gave a disgusting smirk...

" want to know the reason ..then listen...your silence....your silent Love story made her life like a hell...." This time aham replied and everyone looked at him...

" did you know it and why are you supporting her .... what's your relationship with her..tell me man...?" Darshan came in between and held Aham's shirt's collor in anger....aham glared at him and removed his hands....
He walked towards Dheeraj.... where Dheeraj and Niharika stood perplexed...
How their silent Love story put her life in stake....whats the connection between her and their life....they both exchanged confusing look...they looked at bhavini sitting on the floor crying and she looked up at Dheeraj...

" Yes I'll support her ...and you know why? Becausewe both wanted justice for the same brother Ashish..." Aham said and Everyone looked each other in confusion... Dheeraj and niharika's head churned yo thinking about what's going on

" remember? I was the first one in our gang who got to know about your love for di...I requested you several times to propose her... But you didn't... after that , Ashish proposed her..and then Also I requested you to propose her...make her yours...but you didn't and you also forbidded me too from doing that....but I believed you that one day you will confess...but it hadn't happened....if once, once you said her that early before...then this wouldn't be happened....this... wouldn'" Bhavini said to Dheeraj and sobbed badly sitting on the floor.....her words broken down....

Niharika sat on the floor with bhavini...she consoled her and she just hugged her and cried...

" But what's the relationship between my silence and your....wait I didn't do..." Dheeraj was about to say bhavini cut him....

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