chapter 16

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" Tell me bhaiya...Will I get him back...?" She asked which pierced darshan's heart and soul....

Darshan broke down and hugged her...
Her eyes again filled with tears...he made niharika sit there at the chair and said
" Nothing will happen to him... he will come back...for live with you.."
She just nodded and again sat there...
Rithika came to her with a cup of hot tea which she denied....

Darshan went to reception and paid enough money for surgery and came back with a consent form...
He streched that towards niharika....
She looked at the paper once...
She looked at darshan with teary eyes and nodded in no....

" Sakhi...just a sign... please.." he almost begged to her...

" I can't...I can't.." she muttered under her breathe and nodded in no...tears rolled down through her cheeks...

Darshan sighed and looked at his mother... Maheshwari went towards him and placed her hands on his shoulder.
" Beta... you do it...she may not be in a condition to sign sign it.."

He nodded and signed the papers...
He gave it to nurse and doctors went into the operation theatre for the surgery...
The surgery went on for nearly 4-5 hours...
Each second passed like each years for niharika...her heart raced faster and melted like candle in pain ...she just closed her eyes and stood near the operation theatre...
She looked very tired as she didn't even drink a drop of water from last night till now...

She didn't even moved an inch from infront of the operation theatre ....
Everyone prayed for him standing outside the operation theatre ..... niharika stood beside the operation theatre joining her hands together, resting her head on the wall beside...

After 4-5 hours of operation, doctor came outside and everyone curiously looked at him...
" By god's grace.. he's out of danger now.... operation is successful.."

Everyone sighed in relief and niharika's eyes lit up and tears of joy welled up in her eyes....she thanked God and hugged Maheswari tightly....she too hugged back in Happiness.... everyone got happy there....
But on the other side .....
A man got a call ...he heard all that said from the other side and threw his phone away and it shattered into pieces....

" What the hell...he didn't die.... why...??!!!" He yelled and hit his fist forcefully on the wall beside. . his eyes got red in anger...

" No....I won't allow... I won't allow her and him to leave peacefully....this time he got saved...but not next time... Dheeraj' Singhania.. I'll ruin you and your filthy wife..." He said in anger and went away closing his room's door with a thud...
It's been hours since the operation had done...but Dheeraj is still unconscious .... doctor said that he'll be in sedation for 2 more days as its brain surgery....
But everybody was relieved as that he is safe now...
Next day,
Today it'sFirst day after his operation... everyone left for house one by only niharika, Maheshwari and darshan remained there...
Rithika went home along with maid she can't stay with hrishika in hospital for a long....
Rohit , Dheeraj's friend remained there for darshan's help...

" One can go and see him...but don't disturb him" doctor said to them and Maheswari slowly went towards niharika....

" go go and see him....I don't have the courage to see my kid like that...I don't....and you have to..I know you are desperately waiting for seeing him once...go beta.." She said

" Ma.. I.." she looked at Maheswari with her puffy eyes and nodded in yes....

A nurse came from inside and let her enter inside the ICU...
She slowly slowly took her steps towards a figure lying unconscious on the bed....
Each step she took,Her eyes had tears and she wiped it ....
She slowly went near him and saw him lying on the bed surrounded with life supporting system and head fully covered by bandages...
He was unconscious....his handsome face had slight scratches here and there...she slowly placed her hands on was cold...a lone tear fell on his knuckles....

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