chapter 9

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Umh...umhh..." They heard somebody clearing the throat....
They looked at the direction where the sound was heard...
They saw bhavini standing there with a small smile on her face...
Both niharika and dheeraj moved apart and both got embarassed as bhavini saw them and caught them red handed

Dheeraj passed a nervous smile and quickly went from there...
Bhavini came close to niharika...

" What happened Nikku di..your cheeks are turning Pinky.. pinky..." Bhavini asked without any expression..

" Nothing like that " niharika rolled her eyes, but her cheeks were screaming that she was blushing like anything...

" Mm..but never forget di...your happiness is someone's sacrifice" bhavini said and walked away leaving a startled niharika behind..

waves of questions kept rushing towards her mind....

" Why bhavini say so? And whose sacrifice?" Niharika thought to herself..

She stood there perplexed and unable to decipher what she just said...
Niharika stood there immersing in thoughts and tried to process the depth of her words...
She didn't even realise that when Maheswari came to her ..she came out of her thoughts when Maheswari slightly called her by shaking her shoulders..
She called her to eat something..soon she left the place but bhavini's words kept ringing in her mind....
That was really a hectic day for both niharika and very soon they dozzed off into sleep...
As days passed by...
It's almost a month since their married life has started...the more days passed, they both got more and more close to each other..
Dheeraj is now no more shy about taking glance of his beautiful wife in front of everyone... to hug her or even flirt with her...
Niharika also loved his tha lt romantic side...
On such a day Dheeraj was busy with his phone ..he is talking to someone about his meetings today and got really pissed off..
He didn't even got ready...his struggled with his shirt's button....
He was running here and there in his room holding his mobile , talking to someone...
Niharika entered into the room and saw Dheeraj struggling...
She chuckled a bit seeing his annoyed but cute face...
She went near him and smiled...
He rolled his eyes and again carry on his
She went near him, held him by arms to stand him facing at her..
She slowly started to put his shirts button ...
Suddenly his expression of annoyance changed into a big wide smile...
He looked down at her talking over the phone..
He fixed his gaze on his alluring wife...he looked at her with full of love... which was unnoticed by her...after the button was done..she tied his tie around his neck...
Now he couldn't control by himself...
He pulled her closer to him by holding her waist...
He Just threw his mobile on to the bed...
She looked at him with wide eyes...
Before she could decipher what just happened, he quickly gave a peck on her forehead...
The blood circulation to niharika's cheeks increased and as a result it turned red...She looked down..
But it's not the first time he's kissing her...
He often give small pecks on her forehead sometimes cheeks ...this was happened even before their marriage too .. when they were friends...

Seeing his effect on her, he slowly leaned down to touch her lips with his suddenly his phone rang and closed his eyes in frustration...
Niharika signalled him to pick up the phone through her eyes...
He nodded and took the phone...
He again got back to his fire mood once again ...
He sat on bed and struggled with his socks...he somehow managed to put on the socks....
He hung up the call and said to her..

" Sonu ...I've to go..tell ma ... ok? It's urgent..." He said and went to his table to take a file..

" What about breakfast?" She asked

" No...I don't want...will eat afterwards" he replied searching for something in the drawer..

" Tum ese nahi manenge.." she said and left ..

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