chapter 22

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" No!!!!!!!!!!" Niharika's yell made the whole place tremble.....
Niharika got up from the bed suddenly yelling no ....she was panting heavily and profusely sweating.....her lungs found difficulty to catch the breathe....Her chest went up and down ....she placed her hands or her chest and looked around to see herself inside the room...on the bed....

" Sonu... what happened? " She saw Dheeraj came running towards her and held her hands....
She took a few more minutes to decipher things....yes she was dreaming....
She looked up at Dheeraj who is sitting beside her , perplexed....
He wiped out the sweat beads on her face ...

" Wa.. wa..wat...." she said pointing towards the jug as she found difficult in forming words....

He immediately took the jug from the side table and gave it to her.... she drank the half of it in one go....

" ok?" He asked...
She didn't reply...she kept the jug aside and hugged him tightly....he was taken aback....
He hugged her back and soothed her back...
Her grip on him got tightened and she breathed heavily....
Dheeraj panicked at first seeing her condition....he pulled her more closer to him and caressed her back...
She got up from his embrace and cupped his face....

" You ok... right? Where were you ok na?" She asked him cupping his face and looking him with worried face....

" Sonu...Sonu... listen to me..what happened to you...what happened?" He asked back ...

" Raj...I saw a dream...I... saw something..I saw you.. alright?" She asked ..panik and worry laced on her face

" Yes Sonu..I'm's just a dream... look I'm just relax.." he said and kept a pillow on her back and made her lean on to it....

She rested her back on the pillow and looked around....

" I...came on bed..?" She asked

" I made you sleep on bed... actually I saw you sleeping on the floor, so lifted you up and laid on bed.." he said smiling...
She faintly smiled back..

" You rest here..I'll bring something for you" he said and about to leave, she held his wrists...

" please don't go...I'm fine...I'm..ok.. please be with me" she asked to him with a puppy face and he ofcourse found it very cute...

He sat down beside her with a smiling face ....she too smiled back...
He looked her very keen and found her very much frustrated and worried....
She was lost in her own thoughts...he just patted on her hands slowly and went out of the room to fetch something for her to drink....

And about niharika, she was hell frustrated and confused about aham and she was thinking of whom she should share that with....
She asked herself and only one name came to her mind.... Darshan....
But how will she say... she didn't wanted to share the truth about aham but she somehow wanted Dheeraj to get out his temporary world..

She thought thoroughly for a few minutes and an idea struck in her mind... but to execute that she want someone else's help too...She decided to talk with Darshan once..
She got up from the bed and went out to see darshan....
She saw darshan standing at the lawn talking over phone....
She slowly went towards him....

Darshan : hey sakhi...what happened? You look so tired everything alright?"

Nikku : "ha sakha...( Trying to be normal) everything is fine....but I just...."

Darshan : "ah..c'mon tell me what happened"

Nikku : " actually sakha ...I just wanted to ask you something..."

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