chapter 21

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She changed  gear and decided to follow them....she took the car a turn , following them...

She kept following them , just  a bit far away from them that she didn't want them to notice it....
She silently followed them and saw the car stopped infront of Ashish's house...

She parked the car, behind a wall that they couldn't see....
Aham opened the gate and went Inside and that girl and boy followed him ....
She slowly went behind them , without noticing by them...

Aham opened the house and the trio entered the house...they sat on the sofa inside the living room and niharika took slow and silent steps behind them and stood leaned over the wall beside the door , so that they couldn't see her.....

Niharika's pov
That girl .. what's her relationship with aham... and who is that guy with that means aham sent that girl....
I don't know what relationship they share .but definitely they were close to each I've to find it out..each and every details....
Suddenly I heard  their sounds and listened carefully

" So...tell me rohit... how's mumbai... and your honeymoon" aham said with a mischievous smirk and that boy and girl exchanged glances and smiled ....
So that means ,they both are husband and wife....

" Yes we are enjoying ..but what about you aham..what about your new role .. niharika's husband's role our ashu? " That man asked with an evil smirk...

" Yeah's going well and I'm enjoying it..very much.." he replied with an evil smirk..

I literally felt disgusted....what's he saying....he is enjoying it..why he mad or what..

" So , she knows your identity..and  your plans?" That girl asked and that's it...plan...plan..but why? what? About what plan they are talking about...Ive to find it out.. . so that means Aham's arrival is all their plan... yeah...that means I was right....he was here for I'm damn sure about it.....
Never mr. Aham verma..never in my life, I won't let anything happen to my family....

I again listened them....

" No yaar...she doesn't...If she does, then she would definitely share it with that darshan....I don't want to be revealed so easily..and I know she is smart she'll definitely do something to stop me...I  can't take risk... I'm also acting with them yaa....let me act along with them like an obedient bro yaar " he laughed out loud

"really aham...such a devil you are..gaining their own trust and destroy them...don't spare them .. ruin them.... because of them, we lost our friend.." That girl again said and my blood boiled in anger....

What because of us, they lost Ashish? What the?... I can't understand what's going on... I'm sure something happened behind all these ..but what?
And he's planning to gain our trust and then destroy verma how dare you...and he is also our friend..then why is aham is trying to ruin us because of Ashish...huh.. Ashish is far far better than him..and he is  planning to ruin my my last breathe..I won't let anyone...I mean anyone to ruin my family....

" yes...i lost my ashu..because of Dheeraj and his wife ..." He paused and again continued with a disgusting face...

"Niharika...she is the main culprit...that bi***  she wants one to love and some other to marry ..huh!! This time...I won't spare them... Dheeraj will watch his love going out of his hands. ..he will soon embrace  death..and that niharika..she'll suffer for what she did..." aham again Said with a heavy voice....

" But aham be careful... I know her ..she us very cunning...I told you na that day , on her engagement, how she kept observing me...she also came behind be careful..ok?" That girl again said

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