chapter 8

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Next Morning,
Sun rays peeped through the window and it fell on Dheeraj's handsome face...
He half opened his eyes and rubbed it..
He streched his arms and got up from the sofa..
He looked at the bed to find her but she already left...
He heard sounds from bathroom and he understood that she is getting fresh up because today it's her first rasoi...
He went down to take his coffee and newspaper...
He came inside his room with coffee in one hands and news paper in another and......

The scenery her saw before just took his breathe away...
The paper which he was holding in his hands fell down...
( Thank God he didn't drop that cup😂)
His lips parted away seeing the goddess of beauty infront of him...
He saw niharika in a royal blue designer saree with backless blouse...
She was drying her hairs with towel
So her hair is on her right Shoulders...
He can see her bare back and white milky skin which is screaming at him to touch it right now...
She was wearing a beautiful jhumka and a small black bindi which added flavours for her natural beauty...
Her mangal sutra gleamed around her neck which gave a new glow on her face...
After drying hairs...
She took a small golden box in her hands...she opened it and took a pinch of sindhoor in between her fingers and applied it onto her forehead...
She felt a strong gaze on her and she looked aside to see Dheeraj standing at the door looking at her...

" Come inside...I'm done..." She said but seems like he didn't  heard even a word she said..

She smiled and walked towards him..
She snapped her finger infront of him...
He came out of his trance and smiled at her..
" Good... good.." he stammered

" Morning" she completed and giggled...

" Now go and get ready fast..." She  said to which ne nodded...

She hurriedly went down....
He stood there like a statue looking at her when she descended down ....
He smiled at himself and tapped at the back of his head and went inside to get fresh up..
After sometime,
He came down after getting fresh up..
He saw niharika in kitchen preparing kheer for her first rasoi...
After a while  darsh, Rithika, Maheswari and dheeraj sat down before dining table waiting for her ....
She came with dishes and served everyone...
Everyone complimented her including Dheeraj...
Maheshwari gifted a beautiful bangle to her as shagun...

Just then Maheswari asked Darshan
"Darsh...what about the arrangements for reception ..tell them to make it's on today evening.."

" Maa..I'm going there.." he replied..

" Darsh .. me too will join you" Dheeraj said to which darshan passed a confusing look.then nodded..

"...Nikku did you try your outfit..?" Rithika asked

" No bhabhi..I didn't even opened it.." niharika replied..

" So c'mon let's open it and try once.." she said and both went upstairs...
Dheeraj and darshan too departed to the hall where the reception was arranged....
At evening,
Rithika helped niharika to get ready in her outfit...and then Rithika went to get ready..
Niharika looked damn hot and stylish..
She wore a peacock green and blue backless frock with her hair made a bun..
Her front cut hairs covered her forehead..her soft curls which hung infront of her ears danced in air...
She put minimal make up ...and finally wore her earrings...

and finally wore her earrings

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