IMPORTANT! TW's and more

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Each chapter will have a quote from it at the beginning.

So I've learned from previous experience that TW's tend to spoil the chapter a little, but that doesn't mean I won't be doing any TW's at all.

The following are EXAMPLES of things I will be doing TW's for at the beginning of chapters.


gun point

extreme gore

detailed description of blood

panic attacks


and more.

Just because they're on this list doesn't mean they will happen, but be prepared if there is a TW. There are also many more that aren't on this list that if I feel need be, there will be a TW.

The following are EXAMPLES of things I won't be doing a TW for at the beginning of chapters.

Lime (Unless it's heavy.) For those of you who don't know, lime means sexual touching.


small blood

slight gore

weapons of any sorts

kidnapping, because why the fuck are you here if you get triggered by that, honestly.



threats (unless they are very detailed and/or extreme)

mentions of killing and mass murder

and more, but these are all I can think of right now.

All of the above ARE in the story, so if you get triggered by any of them, please do not read this. There are many that aren't on this list that I won't be doing TW's for either.

For smut and panic attacks I will be doing a TW right before it happens, and there will also be a line where it ends. When it ends I will give a brief description of what happened, but for smut I might just say "They fucked." And for panic attacks I will just say why that person had a panic attack, how long it lasted, and how they calmed down.

Chapters may be between 1,00 words and 4,000. It all depends on what happens in the chapter and how much motivation I have to write it.

Feel free to use any pronouns for me, kind of figuring out my pronouns (because gender is confusing af) right now so that may change.

Constructive criticism? Sure, just don't go too far. If anyone is just hacking at me for my writing I'll simply just block them.

Notes for this story:
Covid does not exist.
George is not colorblind.

IMPORTANT! George skipped 2 years of elementary, one year of middle school and one year of college. The reason being for this, is in the story George is going to be 23 and for him to be a doctor in training normally he would have to be a lot older. So we're just gonna ignore the fact that George is like- really smart to be able to skip so many years of school. (This would make him somewhere in his early years of training in the hospital) Wattpad + Plot = some illogical stuff sometimes. (Also I'm so sorry if this is completely wrong, please tell me if it is.)

And now for the boring stuff that you've probably read hundreds of times but I'm going to say anyway. Feel free to skip past this bit.

Ahem... As far as I know any character mentioned in this book is completely okay with this sort of thing and if they do have any guidelines I will follow them if I know of them. If any of their guidelines change, please notify me in my dm's or in the comments (preferably in my dm's). I am shipping their online personas! Not the actual people. As far as I know, both Dream and George have said that they're comfortable with fans writing whatever they want, but if that changes or they say they're uncomfortable, I will take this book down as soon as possible.

PLEASE do not mention this book to anybody, I will literally bawl my eyes out.


Have a good day lovelies! NOW DRINK SOME WATER.

Words - 654

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