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TW: mild alcohol consumption

Consider following?

"I didn't think you had it in you."

George POV

After the bandages, Dream unfortunately decided to put the shock collar back on. I was really hoping he'd forget about that.

Around 5 is when Dream walked in with a stack of board games in his arms which towered above his head.

I laughed lightly at the sight of him slowly and steadily walking in hopes of preventing the excessive number of boxes from falling over and crashing to the ground. "What are those for?" I asked Dream as he slowly lowered the stack to the ground.

"Board games." He answered. "Despite not having many guests, I have a ton of them. Wanna choose which one we play first?" He asked with wide smile. Something that seems to show up more and more as time passes. It was... Unexpected? But definitely nice at the same time.

I hope I see that more often.

I nodded my head, returning the smile before crawling across the floor where he set the colorful boxes and began to look through them for a game that peaked my interest. I settled on a game I had never seen before but looked interesting and Dream began to set out the board and teach me how to play.

Around 7 (2 hours after that) is when Dream got up from his seat on the ground which is where the board game was laid out between us. When he did this, he also decided to pick me up too.

"Dream? Where are we going, it's only like 7?" I asked, assuming he'd be bringing me back to the basement to go to sleep.

The blond let out a one syllable chuckle and held me closer. "We're not going to the basement. I'm gonna make you a drink." He said. I could feel the aura of the smile he let break loose in the final word.

"Drink? What do you mean?" I asked feeling both confused and oblivious.

"Whatever you want it to mean. It could mean a martini, a shot of vodka, a classic beer.  I know how to make a few drinks so-" I cut him off. "Wait wait wait. Alcohol?" I sputter out in half disbelief.

"I mean yeah, unless you'd rather have a kool-aid or something- wait no, we ran out of that ages ago, oh no-" "OH YEAHHHHH"(y-you know. Like the commercial- I'm sorry. He didn't say that, anyways.)  "No no, alcohol is fine, I just- wasn't expecting that is all..." I trailed off and Dream set me on the bar stool facing the kitchen behind the island.

"Well then, what do you want me to make?" Dream asked as he started opening up cabinets taking things out left and right.

"Um- I don't really know any fancy drinks or anything so... Surprise me?" I said with little confidence in my words.

"Oooh, you're in for a treat."

>insert sexy bartender moves here<

He tossed bottles left and right and I had to say, it was pretty impressive. In the end he came up with a small glass of purplish liquid that smelled heavily of alcohol and a mixture of other flavors.

"What is this?" I asked, looking up from the drink and to Dream. "Dunno, haven't thought of a name for it yet. I made it a while ago when I was just sort of messing around and thought it was pretty good. Try it." Dream urged as he watched intently, waiting for me to take a sip.

I slowly rose the glass to my lips that contained a dark plum colored liquid with a lemon slice on the side. I took a small breath and pressed my lips to the glass and took a tiny sip before setting it back down.

Doctor // Kidnapped Dreamnotfound AUWhere stories live. Discover now