Official Ending: I'll Stay With You

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TW: The End.

Long ass authors note, feel free to skip.

SO. I've been out for a long time. Why? Well first I got covid, that was rough, then as soon as I was better I went to work and worked an 11 hour shift, a few 10 hour shifts and a couple 9 hour shifts for about 2 1/2 weeks with only 1 day weekends (doesn't sound like a lot bc it was only 2 1/2 weeks but that shit was rough man.). Then school started. Yipee. And now that we're a couple weeks into school and things are settling down, I finally have the energy, time, and motivation to write. So here you go.

3rd Person POV

"Are you awake, George?" Dream asked quietly, staring at the boy in his arms.

"I am now." George said with a hint of annoyance.

Dream smiled warmly, squeezing George against him and shoving his face into his brown locks.

"You slept for a long time..." He mumbled.

"I was tired." George wrapped his arms around Dream in return, despite being practically suffocated by Dream's death grip around him.

"Mhm..." Dream paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. "Do you um... Wanna go back?" He asked in a small, unsteady voice.

"What?" George asked, confused, as he tilted his head up trying to look at Dream.

"To your old life... Do you wanna go back." He said, you could hear the sadness hidden in his tone as much as he tried to conceal it and stay strong.

"I..." For a moment, George found himself dumbstruck. Was Dream suggesting? Or was he genuinely asking, wanting to know? And why after a night like that?

George thought for a moment... Did he want to go back...? I mean, to be honest George really hadn't thought about it much since his escape attempt... And although that might not have been too long ago, a lot had happened since then... One of the things that had happened, being that George had truly found himself in love. Not one of those middle school or high school crushes, nor one of those quick, short-lasting relationships.

"No." George said quickly, once he had made a decision. He didn't want him second guessing himself so he said it quick and fast, to get it over with. And once he said it, he found himself in some sort of gratification? He couldn't quite explain it, but it felt good.

"Really?..." Clay said after a moment, processing what the other had said.

"Really." George assured.


I knowwwww I'm sorryyyyy. It's an abrupt ending and probably not giving this story the ending it deserves but I will hopefully have an alternate ending posted by the time you're reading this.

Fair warning- the alternate ending is fairly dark, so if you don't feel like reading the alternate ending, scroll to the end to see my final authors note for this book (unless I end up posting a 3rd ending for this book in a few months, we'll see). In the final authors note I'm explaining the abrupt ending along with a huge thanks to all of you guys so go check that out. :)



Fortuitous // DNF

Fortuitous: happening by accident or chance rather than design. Prince Clay is troublesome but gets away with everything by abusing his privileges and royal title. They've tried everything to get him under control but he just doesn't seem to care. With the princess that Clay has been arranged to marry, on the way, the king is desperate to get his behavior under control. Perhaps a young sorcerer can help with keeping an eye on him? Maybe he'll hep with a little more than just the Prince's behavior?

Uploads: eventually, I promise.

Cover art by: Emily12Tae on Wattpad (huge shout out to them by the way, thank you so much)


Okay so like hi  @Emily12Tae so sorry man for taking so long to post the story after you made the art for it several months ago- lowkey so sorry, things just didn't go as planned.

(And yes, I know the story sounds cliche, but I promise the plot is good, and as far as I know, unique)


Yeah. Das the next book

Also, if you made it this far, can I get a 'pop off' for me hiding the fact that I have a small army of dnf shippers on Wattpad who read my book, AND that book has over 120k reads, from my parents? I mean like- bro I've been hiding this shit for like- almost a year now. Pop off please? Anyone?

Words - 756

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