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George POV

I hesitantly followed Dream up the steps into the first floor. Not only was I confused, but absolutely terrified.

I'm guessing I wasn't supposed to see his face which is why he's all mad. I'm just scared that he'll kill me because of it.

But hey, at least I know what he looks like and if I get out of here- no- when I get out of here, I can get a description of him to the police.

Yeah... That's why I was staring at him earlier... So I can get a detailed description of him to the police... Definitely not because I found him attractive.

If anything I find him- uh- overly green eyed. Yes, he has overly green eyes... THEREFORE I uh- um- don't find him at all attractive.

Once upstairs, Dream leads me down the hallway, unlocks the door to the medical room thingy and leads me inside.

Once I'm inside he locks the door behind me and rubs his eyes.

"I think my fist might be broken..." He says in an embarrassed voice.

I just nod silently, still a bit shaken up from earlier.

"I don't have an X-ray, but is there anything you can do?" He asks.

"Um- Yeah- where are the anti-septic wipes? For the cuts." I ask, putting my professional act on, the kind I would use for all my patients.

He points over to a cabinet and I open it up to see exactly what I need. I look back over to him to see him sitting on the surgical table.

I then put on some gloves and start getting cleaning off the cuts on his knuckles gently while he winces every so often when I touch a particular area.

Once the blood is gone I can already see obvious bruises forming, the worse ones near his index finger and the ones a little fainter fading over to his pinky.

"A-Alright um- I don't really know what to do without an X-ray for the most part so um- could you try completely opening your hand before balling it up again?" I ask. Normally I would have just demanded it unless it was with a child, but this was also Dream and we all know how short his temper is.

He nodded and slowly started extending his fingers. His face immediately scrunched up in pain as he muttered several curses under his breath.

He let out a short breath of relief once it was finally flattened before slowly closing his hand again repeating the foul facial expression and the several curses under his breath.

"Alright, I don't think it's broken since you can move it, but I'm going to touch around lightly and you'll tell me if it hurts. Is that alright?" I asked with the same worried face and soft voice I used earlier.

He just nodded slightly and I moved my hand underneath his and started moving my hands around applying small amounts of pressure.

Time Skip because I'm lazy.

Around 5 minutes later I concluded that he it was not broken and probably just had a couple minor fractures.

I tried telling him it would be good to put a cast on it but he refused and said if it was only a few minor fractures he would be fine. Despite my persistent arguing that he should have a cast on it to prevent any further injury, he said that he would just rest it for a day or two, even after I told him it would need more time than that to heal.

But oh well, if he wants to have a fractured fist, he can have a fractured fist for all I care.

After our small argument over the cast, we went over to the kitchen for breakfast, this time Dream aloud me to sit at the kitchen island for breakfast.

"You're free to the TV after breakfast by the way." Dream said as he flipped a pancake with his uninjured hand.

The aroma of the kitchen filled with the smell of cooking pancakes and the chocolate chips added to them.

I have to say, I wasn't really expecting it. But I have a feeling Dream was only doing this because he felt bad or something since he scared me shitless when I was sleeping without a real explanation, then had me help his fist.

Or not actually, he is a serial killer after all, and somehow I keep forgetting that...

I yawned tiredly as I rubbed my eyes. Now that I wasn't freaking out in the basement or cleaning blood off of Dream's knuckles, the tiredness was finally getting to me.

Dream noticed my yawn because he chuckled. "You can have a nap if you want after breakfast." He said.

I nodded tiredly and drifted off into thought.

It's been a lot easier to be around Dream now without that stupid mask.

Now I can see his facial expressions, his soft lips move when he talks, his emerald green eyes shift as he looks around... AND I can get that detailed description for the police.


"Bon appetit." A plate of chocolate chip pancakes were set in front of me as well as a bottle of syrup and some butter to the side.

My eye brows raised in surprise at the fluffy pancakes in front of me.

I immediately started creating a mound of syrup on top of the pancakes and barely noticed Dream sitting down in the seat next to me.

As I started eating my pancakes I saw Dream looking through his phone like he always does during meals.

I didn't really mind though being too busy loosing myself in the delicious pancakes in front of me.

By the time both me and Dream finished it was about 7 in the morning.

Had we really used up that much time?

"Alright, if you want you can sleep on the couch or in the basement if you want a nap, or you can watch a movie with me." Dream says as he moves both of our plates into the dishwasher before walking over to the couch and flopping down on it.

I nodded even though he wasn't looking and flopped down on the couch on the opposite end while Dream started a movie.

Before I even noticed I started drifting off to sleep on the couch for a well needed nap.


Yayyy, I'm getting back to an upload schedule.


Words - 1080

Doctor // Kidnapped Dreamnotfound AUWhere stories live. Discover now