A Deal

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'I can already see a million ways and more of how this could go wrong.'

George POV

I woke up to silence.

A small smile made it's way up to my face in the peaceful atmosphere around me.

It dropped slightly when I opened my eyes to see the ceiling of the basement above me, but the smile was still there nonetheless.

I slowly sit up to stretch but the moment I sit up I'm met with the sight of the masked man sitting in in a wooden chair a couple of feet away from the foot of the bed.

My eyes widen and I suck in a sharp breath. "WHAT THE HELL DUDE?!" I yell as I jump a bit.

Not being able to fully comprehend the situation after just waking up, it takes me a good three seconds before I slap a hand over my mouth and my eyes widen in a sudden realization of what I just did.

Dream slowly stands up and walks over to the side of the of bed that wasn't against the wall.

I didn't turn my heard or move my eyes to look at him, so I could only see him in my peripheral vision. I saw him bend over a little bit before he swiftly moved away the hand that was covering my mouth and grabbed my chin harshly before forcing me to look at him.

"I'm sorry? Did you just yell at me?" He asks, not giving time for me to respond in any way before his grip on my jaw tightens. "Rule number one- and you better get used to learning these- You will never yell at me again. And if you do, I'll make sure you regret it. Do you understand?" He asked, knowing exactly what the answer would be.

"Y-yes." I whispered out before feeling Dream release his grip on my jaw with a bit of a shove.

"Get up. Unless you'd rather skip breakfast for the day." Dream said walking away towards the door.

I scrambled to my feet almost immediately, following Dream out the door, out the other door, up the stairs, out yet another door and into the upstairs without a problem.

My eyes light up when I see the golden morning light shine through the windows.

"Go sit at the table and stay there." Dream said, not even turning around when speaking to me and instead continuing to walk in the other direction to the kitchen.

I go to the left and sit down at the head of the table and look out the window on the left wall.

Outside the window I saw a lot of things that surprised me.

Trees. Big ones.


Lots of them in fact.

I sat up in my chair a little to see more and the more I saw, the more I found myself surprised.

Thick trees crowded my vision, so I couldn't see more than maybe 20 feet from where the treeline started. Lots of bushes and dirt scattered the forest floor and I even saw a few wild flowers poking out from the dirt here and there.

Are we out in the middle of nowhere or something?

The sound of an egg cracking distracted me from my observation.

To my right, not so far away, Dream stood making what looked to be some eggs and bacon.

(Sorry Technoblade, love your merch btw.)

My stomach rumbled eagerly as the smell of the eggs frying made its way to my nose.

I never thought I'd be so excited for such a simple breakfast.

Doctor // Kidnapped Dreamnotfound AUWhere stories live. Discover now