A Message From The Blade

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TW: slight starvation

No quote for today's chapter.

George POV

I woke up in the- morning? I have no idea what time it is. Although I do feel well rested.

Since it was night out when I was upstairs, I can only guess that it's around the time of morning? Maybe a few hours later?

My eyes felt almost sore and heavy, but not the sleep kind. I can only guess this is because of how much I cried just before I feel asleep.

I took a glance at my arm where Dream had roughly grabbed it last night to see that there was definitely a bruise left there. But that was to be expected.

I didn't have to question how I got here or what happened right before I fell asleep like last time when I woke up. The dimness in the room and the faint chill gave that away just fine.

I sat up and threw my feet over the side of the bed.

I'm starting to regret not sleeping under the covers. Maybe if I had I wouldn't have woken up so uncomfortable, instead under the warm confinements of navy blue blanket that rested over the bed, now slightly wrinkled due to movements in my sleep.

I sighed and ran a hand through my now slightly tangled brown hair.

I looked around the room in disappointment. Not sadness, not fear, disappointment. I really thought if I hoped enough and believed that it could come true, I would have woken up back at Wilburs, or my own home. But despite my 'efforts', nothing changed.

Still in the same psychopaths basement.

I took in a shaky breath, trying not to think about it. If I continued to do so, I feared I might break down again. And frankly, I don't know how many more tears my eyes can afford to release.

My stomach growled faintly.

I wonder if Dream will bring me food? He did say that he wouldn't see or hear me for the rest of the day. But maybe he will find it in him to not let me starve?...

Oh who am I kidding. He's the damn maniac that told me he wouldn't give me food for a week if he so much as heard me. I'm sure he wouldn't have a problem if I didn't eat for just a day.

I stood up slowly and made my way to the bathroom.

What am I even supposed to do for the remainder of the day?

I thought to myself as I entered the bathroom and quietly closed the door behind me.

Despite knowing that Dream couldn't even hear me when I cried, I still felt scared of making too much noise.

I looked at myself in the mirror blankly.

I just want to punch something.

Why did this have to happen? And of all people, me? Just when I was starting to do stuff with my free time too? Speaking of free time, now I seem to have so much of it, but nothing to do with it. I wonder if anyone will realize I'm gone? Surely they will when I don't show up to work of course, but will anyone care? I really only have Wilbur and maybe some of this friends, but other than that, nothing. I haven't spoken to my mother in- in ages and-

I stopped my thoughts abruptly when I noticed a tear start to roll down my already tear stained face.

No... Not again...

I walked out of the bathroom and started pacing the room, trying to distract myself from my thoughts and instead focusing on my breathing.

Just breath. Just breath... Just breath and everything will be fine.

I said internally to myself as I rested my interlocked fingers on my head and allowed my eyes to trace the ceiling.

It's fine.. It's all fine...

After a moment I managed to calm myself down and I sat back down onto the bed.

This is gonna be a long day...

Dream POV

I wake up to the faint chirp of birds and sunlight pouring through my window.

Happy that I didn't instead wake up to the brunet screaming or something in the basement, I slowly sit up out of bed.

I give myself a second to fully wake up while listening to the faint noises outside of the cabin.

Calm. Something I don't get to experience much in this line of work.

I stand up and stretch before changing into a new set of clothes. I decide on some black sweat pants and a green shirt. Not planning on seeing anyone today, I don't have to worry about wearing anything presentable or not.

I walk out of my room, downstairs, and into the kitchen.

What should I make myself?

Not in the mood for anything fancy, I make myself a simple bowl of cereal before taking out my phone and scrolling through twitter.

Too distracted in going through my phone, I don't even realize that I finished my cereal and am just scooping up milk now.

I sigh and shut off my phone and put it in my pocket before putting the dishes into the dish washer.

I walk back into my office and sit down in my gaming chair.

Maybe I should-

A vibration from my pocket interrupts my thoughts.

I pull it out of my pocket to see a message from Technoblade.

I've got a job for you, are you in?

I sigh in annoyance.

I thought I told you I needed a week or two off?

Yeah? And? Are you in or out, I could always just give the job to someone else.

Out Techno. Out. I'll tell you when I'm taking jobs again but until then, let me enjoy my break, will you?

He acts like I need the money or something.

I roll my eyes and shut off my phone.

I spin around in my chair looking up at the ceiling.

(Just to clear things up a little bit I guess? Dream is really good with coding and tech stuff. So it makes sense that he has a bunch of machine parts, wires, etc. in his office.)

What should I do? I honestly don't have any plans today now that George is going to be locked down in the basement for the rest of the day.

I wonder...

I look around the large room thinking.

I should have all the parts for it...

I get up and rummage through the various bins of machine parts and wires.

I bought all the parts for it once before, but never got around to making it because I lost motivation to make it since I technically had no particular reason to make it before.

But now that I do...

I smirked as I laid all the parts out on the table.

Looks like sometime soon George is going to get a new necklace.

(I know it's pretty obvious what it is, but that's kind of the point.)



Okay I know this chapter is uneventful but I'll post another one soon to make up for it.

Words - 1194

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