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^^ Look at me tryna make the first move but also being scared of rejection so taking baby steps XD ^^

"Make a sound and I'll cut out your tongue and shove it down your throat." <--- Definitely not click bate, I don't know what your talking about

George POV

2 days.

2 days have passed since Dream clarified the rules and our deal, meaning that in just 5 days I can get rid of the shock collar around my neck.

We fell back into routine these past 2 days. Wake up, Dream comes down, Dream puts the shock collar back on that he took off before I went to sleep, go upstairs, take a shower, eat breakfast, watch TV with Dream, eat the remaining 2 meals of the day, then go back downstairs, take off the shock collar, sleep. Everywhere we went Dream had to carry me though seeing as my feet hadn't yet healed. Somewhere in the mix of time Dream also got around to changing the bandages on my feet which never failed to cause me to grimace. On the bright side, they seemed to be healing quicker than expected. To help with the process, Dream also moved a stool into the shower that way I wouldn't need to stand.

Overall things were the same as before aside from the annoying metal ring around my neck. However Dream made the addition to the routine where occasionally he would leave me alone and go to his office.

The first day he did this I felt oddly uncomfortable about being on the ground floor all alone, and the silence aside from the TV felt unusual. The second day though, the silence was gone. I heard muffled, one sided conversations from the office. Like Dream was having a conversation on the phone with someone. And from the sounds of it, he was not happy about it at all. At some points I heard Dream shouting things like "This is ridiculous." and "You're one sick bastard, I hope you know that." and finally, the one that raised the most questions. "What's wrong with wanting a little extra vacation time?"

Now being the 3rd morning of the deal, Dream seemed particularly ticked off about something. All morning he's been pulling disgusted faces at the slightest mishaps of every day life as if they were personal insults. Like when he lost his footing while going towards the kitchen and he quite literally yelled at the floor and flipped it off. I held back a laugh at that one, but remembering the rule about taking signals, I decided it was for my own good to shove my face into a blanket to hide my giggles.

Oh come on people. You would laugh too and you know it.

Another example would be just now when he was pouring a bowl of cereal and spilled some milk on the counter next to be bowl. Then he slammed the milk jug down on the counter aggressively causing more milk to fly out of the top which only fueled his anger as he started yelling nonsense words like. "Fuck you milk! I never fucking liked you anyways! You're only good for cereal. Otherwise your the stupidest, ugliest, worthless, piece of shit, fatherless, cry baby, mother fucker, bitch ass, shit face, idiotic, unoriginal, dumb, tit, bad tasting, cheap, useless white liquid to ever exist! NOBODY LIKES MILK ANYWAYS YOU FUCKER!" A couple hundred cuss words later he finally calmed down enough to start aggressively scrubbing milk off of the table. Towards the end of his 'swearathon' as I've decided to call it, the insults became less directed at milk and more directed at this 'Technoblade' character. "'Memememe do this, do that. I'm a fucking orphan stabbing pig. Do whatever I say.'" He said in a mimicking voice before switching over to full on yelling again. "Well fuck you, Technoblade! And fuck your narcissistic, bacon obsessed, posh ass! What the fuck is so great about pigs anyway? You fucking bacon strip!"

How he went from cussing out milk to a pig? I have no idea. Easy to say it was entertaining as the TV became a little boring over the past few days.

(I have nothing against Technoblade [or milk] guys, I swear. I even have his merch. But Dream and Technoblade have beef  in this fanfiction so deal with it.)

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