The Weekend

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In case you don't already know, each chapter will have a quote from it at the beginning. (I know this one's kind of trash, but I promise they get better)

George POV

Ah yes, the weekend. My personal favorite time of the week. The only two days where I get to enjoy myself without working late shifts at the hospital I work at, 'Smile Bright Hospital'. Not so easy to smile when you're in a hospital, but whatever, ignore the bad name... And the fact that it sounds more like a dentists office than a hospital.

It's currently June 16th so that means I've been working there for about 2 years now and as much as I love helping people, God is it stressful.

Every single time I've finished with a patient another one comes rolling in. And don't even get me started on the people who think they're smarter than me and refuse to accept treatment and request another treatment that is not only more expensive, but won't even work for what they have. And their reason for doing that is because they read something on some bullshit website that clearly isn't even remotely reliable!

I could go on for hours, but lucky for you, I have better things to do. Like focusing on walking to my favorite cafe to meet my friend and coworker, Wilbur.

The cars to my right whizzed by at annoyingly high speeds. Always going at least 10 miles above the speed limit, and that's on a good day. But unfortunately nobody cares enough to do anything about it. Not even the police, but who can blame them... They've got enough on their hands with all the recent murders that have been going on lately. We got 3 last month just in this town!

But enough about what doesn't concern me.

It was currently 8:55 AM here in Florida, meaning that in around 5 minutes I would meet Wilbur at Teas 'n beans, mine and Wilburs favorite cafe. It's a small little shop on 4th street that me and Wilbur always meet at to either hang out or just have a good cup of coffee. We usually meet there in the mornings before work if the times happen to match up right by chance. I would walk there and Wilbur would drive. I normally wouldn't drive anywhere for a number of reasons. The main one being that I got nervous when driving, that and I simply enjoyed walking through town.

(It took me over a half hour to come up with the name for the cafe.)

I swiftly turned the corner and began walking along the sidewalk that would lead me to Teas 'n beans. I continued walking and couldn't help but allow myself to quietly hum a soft melody that has been stuck in my head. I couldn't quite place my finger on where I've heard it, but that doesn't matter. I did however remember the name of the song. Heatwaves, by Glass Animals.

A smile crept up my face as the door to the cafe came into view.

Moments later I stepped into the cafe and felt myself be immediately met with the sweet aroma the cafe held. The cafe had a calming atmosphere with potted plants lining the walls, a mainly wooden interior and an overall cottage core style. It was run by Wilburs aunt, Margaret. A sweet woman who I've come to know quite well these days seeing as I see her nearly everyday for my morning tea or coffee (depends on how British I'm feeling that morning.) before work.

As I took a seat at one of the bar stool like seats at the order counter, A sweet and familiar voice rang out to me. "Good morning George! What can I get for you this morning?" Margaret asked me in her usual soft and sweet voice with a clear British accent added to it. "I'll have a-" I was cut off when I felt firm hands grasp onto my shoulders. "Aaah!" I screamed out as I swiveled around in the brown cushioned chair to face whoever it was that currently had their hands on my shoulders. My tense body soon relaxed when my soft brown eyes met darker ones. "Jeez Wilbur- what the fuck!" I lightly hit my best friend on the arm as he doubled over in laughter. "Don't do that! You scared me." I hit him again as I too began to chuckle lightly because of his contagious laughter. "You should have seen your face!" He laughed out. "Well next time, bring a mirror." I muttered sarcastically.

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