A Collar

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TW: Panic attack. I'll put a ~squiggle~ line where it ends with a little summary of what happened if you don't want to read the panic attack bit. It's from the beginning of the chapter to the ~squiggle~ line.

I re-wrote more than half of this chapter cuz I didn't like it, that's my excuse for the late update. Anyways, enjoy.

Also I REALLY hate this chapter, sorry.


Dream POV

"George STOP." I say in a stern voice but it only causes him to panic more and wiggle underneath me aggressively.

I've never seen him like this.

Not when I was kidnapping him, not when he woke up in the basement, not even when he tried to escape his first day.

Tears stream down his face rapidly as he struggles to breath and keeps choking on his breath. His legs still squirm underneath me where I have them pinned with my own legs, however his arms are a different story. He claws desperately at anything and pushes away anything that comes near him.

This isn't going to work.

"Alright that's enough." I say in a calm but loud voice so he can hear me through his own breathing and sobs.

I stop fighting while the brunet continues to squirm.

"George." I mutter as my anger rises, grabbing his attention as I look into his eyes for the first time.

All I see is a mix of negative emotions.

Terror, fear, sadness, confusion, desperation, hopelessness and most of all betrayal.

But that's fine.

No matter what he's going to hate me for a while anyways.

"George, you're going to fucking listen to me right fucking now because you're not going to get another offer. So shut up your fucking crying and listen." I hiss in a deep, low growl just loud enough I can ensure the brunet can hear me.

(Guys, if someone is having a panic attack, you better fucking comfort them. I don't give a flying fuck how mad you are, someone's having a panic attack you help them. I do not condone doing anything like this, it's just for the story, people.)

He stops fighting but his hands continue to shake violently, out of sync with his rapid breaths.

"Do you remember when we made a deal for you to stay upstairs? We're gonna make another one, just different." I pause and George nods shakily and listens. "If you can prove to me that you can control yourself and be good with the shock collar on for one week, then I'll take off the shock collar. And from that point on you won't have to wear it, long as things go right." I speak slowly and calmly as I make eye contact with George (which he keeps trying to avoid for some reason) to have him know I'm telling the truth. "I also realize we haven't really set up any rules or boundaries, but we can do that too." I add.

The brunet contemplates it for a moment before speaking up. "A-And i-i-i-f-f I d-don't be-e good?..." He asks through choked sobs.

I sigh. "Then you'll either restart the week or I'll extend it." I say.

As much as it seems like I'm making this a choice for George, it's really not.

"A-and if I a-ag-gree, y-you won't b-b-be m-mad anym-more?" George asks through multiple breaths in the one simple sentence.

I nod my head.

There's a few moments of silence aside from George's rigid' breathing before he lets out a small whisper. "Deal." George manages to get out without stuttering.

Doctor // Kidnapped Dreamnotfound AUWhere stories live. Discover now