First Failed Escape Attempt

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TW: Threat of taking away food? Detailed death threats.

"I should kill you where you stand."

George POV

I sprinted towards the door as tears continued to run down my face.

I need to get out of here. Please let this be unlocked. Please please please please please.

Not quite being able to stop in time because of my speed, I crashed into the door. I quickly fumbled to open the door but found it to be locked from the outside. Something I failed to notice earlier, I probably would have if Dream hadn't pulled me away so soon.

No no no no no no no no NO.

 I frantically shook the knob over and over as if that would somehow change the fact that it was locked from the outside and unless I had a key or something, I couldn't open it.

However, my frantic shaking came to an instant halt the moment I felt a hand land on my shoulder. I froze, not even turning around.

I was so focused on getting the hell out of here, then failing, that I didn't consider what would happen now that I failed.

"P-please I-" I didn't even have a chance to finish my sentence before the hand on my shoulder spun me around and slammed my back against the door.

My red, puffy eyes widened in fear as they faced a very angry masked man. My instincts kicked in and I used my hands to try and shove Dream away from me. However, I was unsuccessful as he swiftly grabbed both my wrists and pinned them on either side of my head to the door behind me.

My breathing quickened even more as he brought his masked face closer to my own which had even more tears streaming down it than before.

"I should kill you where you stand." He spoke deeply, through gritted teeth.

Distracted by fear and the feeling of my heart beating out of my chest, I barely noticed when he brought my wrists further up and switched it so he held them together in one hand so that his other hand went free.

At this point it was almost certain that this would be when he decided to use his free hand to slit my throat, and all I could do was cry about it. So I did.

"P-please." I stuttered out quietly, basically a whisper at this point.

"Now listen here." He said deeply, swiftly bringing his free hand up to grab a fist full of my hair and force my head upward more.

"I said that I would kill you if you tried to run and as much as I adore the idea of blood spilling out of your neck as you collapse onto the floor. I have better things to do than scrub the red stain of your blood off of my floor and dispose of your body. So I'm going to give you two options." Dream says.

His words sent shivers up my spine as he spoke of my death as merely an inconvenience to himself. Like a worthless object with little use. Something you would count down the days until you will no longer need it and you can throw it out to make room for something else.

"Your first option is the one where you walk down with me to the basement without a fight." Said Dream before his gripped tightened slightly on my hair and he pushed harder on my wrists has he leans in closer to my tear stained face. "Your second option is where you go on your journey to whatever afterlife you believe in." My shaking increased. "It's your choice. And might I add- both of these options result in me not having to see or hear you for the rest of the day."

I had never imagined myself actually face to face with a killer threatening my life, but now that it's here. It's fucking terrifying.

"So what will it be hm?" He asked finally.

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