Dancing in the Rain

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TW: Mild lime (sexual touching)

"May I have this dance?"

3rd Person POV

5 days later...

They walked through the seemingly gloomy (with the grey clouds overhead) forest in silence, a known tenseness in the atmosphere preventing them from making conversation, so without the comforting sound of words, the only sound being heard was the soft blow of the wind and their footsteps. George's footsteps, as always, were quiet and careful, and he avoided stepping on any uneven ground. Dream's footsteps however, were even heavier than normal, being weighed down by the (quite literally) dead weight over his right shoulder.

After it was made clear the silence in their journey would continue, George allowed his mind to wander as he reflected the previous days and nights he and the blond had spent together.

George hadn't seen the basement in nearly a week, he and Dream had grown closer and he had gotten to know the energetic ravenet. He and Dream had even grown to the point where George didn't find himself surprised when Dream randomly showered him with kisses or loving words. And yes, he wasn't necessarily surprised, but that doesn't mean his cheeks didn't practically glow red whenever Dream spontaneously brought about these actions.

"Just a little longer." Dream interrupted the brunets thoughts when he muttered the simple words.

George nodded and looked down at his feet.

"Thanks for doing this, by the way." George thanked quietly.

He understood that this was a bit out of the ordinary for Dream, but he did it anyways and George was thankful for that. He was even more thankful that Dream had dug up a grave beforehand.

"It's nothing- here it is." He said and started trailing a bit to the right and George followed.

It wasn't long before they found themselves before a deep, six foot long, 6 foot deep, grave with a small, wooden headstone.

"Alright, so what do we do now?" Dream asked as he lowered the body he had wrapped in an old sheet to the ground beside him.

"Well it's not like we're holding an official funeral or anything. So we can just lower him down and bury him. That's all I ask." George said and Dream nodded as George went over to help him gently lower the (still) unnamed man inside the grave.

George had to admit, in the moment when the man had just died he felt a much stronger need to have this funeral. He felt as though before, burying this man would give him closure and have him feel as though the man he felt guilty for, was at rest. However, now he just wanted to get this over with and continue on with his life. Of course he still wanted to bury him and hope that he was at rest, but the need was much less strong.

After that was done, Dream handed him a shovel and they both got to work with filling the hole.

About half an hour later, they finished that and George took out a small wild flower he had picked on the trail here and placed it gently on the grave.

The brunet straightened up and turned to face Dream. "I guess that's it." He said.

Dream nodded a little and wrapped his arms around the shorter slowly who was quick to embrace the hug.

"Let's head back, shall we?" Dream muttered as he rested his chin on the others head.

"Y-yeah..." George whispered quietly.

They pulled away second later and started back the way they came with their fingers intertwined while they made conversation now that the burden had been lifted.

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