Personal Doctor?

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I had to rewrite a lot of this chapter because I didn't like it :/

TW: minorly detailed death threats, very brief mention of needles.

"I could always just kill you."

Dream POV

Once I was positive the brunet had fallen asleep, I moved the van out of its parking spot and onto the road.

I started driving towards my destination and allowed my mind to wander wherever it pleases, and that place just so happened to be the sleeping boy in the back of the van.

I had seen him before of course, but that was always from a distance. I wouldn't want to risk getting caught of course.

I had been stalking him for months, waiting for the perfect time to execute my plan and take him for my own.

I knew that his looks were more than average but god, now that I've seen him up close, the view is even better. He is incredibly admirable up close, and when I had him pinned underneath me in the alley, I couldn't help find him nothing but adorable. It took a lot of self control not to run my fingers through his soft brown locks. The only thing that I didn't like so much about that interaction is the fact that he tried to kick me in the nuts. Instead he managed to harshly hit my hip, but a few inches to the left and he would have succeeded. I would have to make him pay for that later...

I sighed in annoyance, looking at the time. It was about 8:20 meaning that I had a long 4 hour drive ahead of me before I could reach my destination, and by that time it would be midnight.

I sighed once more but went back to focusing on the road. This would be a long night...

Time skip, unknown amount of time later

George POV


That's the first thing I noticed.

My head is in pain, my back is in pain, my wrists are oddly in pain as well and I don't even know why.

The second thing I noticed was that this is not the first time I've woken up. I had been slipping in and out of sleep for at least 20 minutes by now. The reason being for that, was that I was tired out of my mind.

Had I got drunk last night? And my punishment for this being a nasty hangover? It would certainly explain the dull pain in my head, but not the aching in my back nor the feeling of low circulation in my hands.

Then I noticed another thing. I was sitting up.

Perhaps I decided to crash at Wilburs.

That's when the memories started flooding back into my tired, hazy mind.

Wilburs party.

The walk home.

The... Kidnapping.

I slowly opened my eyes. It felt like there were chains keeping them pulled down. Perhaps the reason for that is the sleeping pills.

How long was I out?

Once I managed to squint open my eyes somewhat, I took note of my surroundings.

I was leaning against the metal headboard of a bed. My legs were laid out in front of me but my hands were tied behind my back. The bed I was sat on had a thin looking navy blue blanket and had a white pillow next to me which honestly looked as though it would be more comfortable to rest on if it were just a pillow case. It had multiple lumps in it and looked as flat as my ex- (jk jk he didn't think that) and looked as flat as a small chapter book.

Doctor // Kidnapped Dreamnotfound AUWhere stories live. Discover now